Our last day in Paris......Queen Di and I stayed up late into the night chatting like teenagers.....it felt good to have a MOMMY around for a few days.......I LOVE QUEEN DI.......**
A few funny stories and observations about PARIS.
Everything was over the top, every single dessert, meal, candy, window, house, clothes, shopping, EVERYTHING was seriously swanky.....and everything was so expensive that I felt uncomfortable touching or even looking at anything......I even felt bad when we would eat the food and the candies because everything was a work of art.
There is TOO much to see and do in PARIS......after 5 days of pounding the pavement, going to art galleries, traveling all over the city, I seriously couldn't even comprehend or remember everything we did and saw......
I am SERIOUSLY in LOVE with MONET.....his work is so beautiful it makes me cry.......
I used to think that models weren't really that pretty in real life....that in the magazines they are airbrushed and they don't really look like that.....NOT ANYMORE.....they are ALL THAT....They were so beautiful and ethereal like.....I couldn't take my eyes off of them.....I was mesmerized......
So.....we were in one of the galleries and I was looking to buy a small gift for my BROTHERS at the boxing gym......Audrey and I were browsing and we saw these condoms that were wrapped with funny sayings on them.....obviously INAPPROPRIATE .....so we moved to the next section, then QUEEN DI and AUNT RATATOUIE come up and they are like "OH LOOK AT THESE!!!! These are those sponges that grow when you put them in the bath Tiffany you should get these for the BOYZ- Look at this one it says "EAT MY BAGUETTE", and this one says "WATCH MY EIFFEL TOWER GROW!" Audrey and I WERE HYSTERICAL.....they had NO IDEA they were condoms!
Queen DI (your MOM) wouldn't let me pay for ANYTHING....I think it may take me a life time to get over the guilt.....And Aunt Ratatouie.....she makes such amazing food and she introduced me to so many amazing things I would have never tried.....we wanted to send you all kinds of things- but we knew they wouldn't make it or they would get ruined en route.....this made me sad......
It felt REALLY GOOD....to talk to QUEEN DI about you....because she KNOWS YOU.....like I know you.....I fell in love with your MOMMY in Paris....LAUGHS.....she was just so understanding and comforting and it felt good to tell stories and talk about you with somebody who knows EXACTLY what I mean when I say "YOU KNOW WHEN HE DOES....."