My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Downward facing dog.....**

I recently started doing yoga......hey.....DON'T judge me- I will CUT you.......I know, I know-how could I go from boxing to yoga!?! They are like two polar opposites right??? Well...the only reason I was even open to it in the first place was because it is part of the P90x program.  P90x is NO JOKE- its a serious-beast like workout.

The first time I did it- I was lost, confused, and I basically thought it was stupid.  But the willfulness in me wanted to "understand" it because.....I didn't get it......AT ALL.

I did the P90x session a second time, this time with LEGS, it was fun and amusing to do it with a partner- I was stronger at some things, he was better at others- we laughed at each other and had a great time.  ( I will also admit- watching my long legged husband do some of the exercises was like stand up comedy LIVE!)

The third time I did it I was grumpy and tired- but I told myself just turn the session on and get through a half hour of it.  It was amazing!!! I felt like I took a 3 hour nap and had a cup of coffee!!! I felt revived and was able to get so much more done then I would have if I hadn't done the yoga.

I started to feel less like a clown in the movements and decided to do a formal class.  Yeah- your right- I don't do anything unless I look cool doing it.  I have taken three formal yoga classes and I think I am hooked. 

I used to believe Yoga was a silly way for people to "work out", kind of like the silliness of men in Ballet.  But once you try it- you realize its not silly its actually serious and it kicks your a**.  Then I started to look around- none of the people who do yoga are fat, and now I know why.  I cannot believe how much stronger, flexible and livelier I feel now that I have started doing yoga.  In fact- I wish I would have been doing it while I was boxing because I really think it would have helped strengthen the stamina in my legs. 

They say to let go of judgment and competition but, every time I go its like a little war with myself - how much further can I go, how much more can I stand.  Also, they tell you to only focus on the present moment- I have to admit that I have thought about things that are bothering me in there- but when I leave Yoga its like EUREKA!!! I  have the answer to my problem or I just know everything is going to work out- its priceless!!!  The other day I wore some body spray that I haven't worn in a long time- (you know they say smell is the one sense most tied to memory) the whole time I was taken back to the past- thinking about where I was, who I was with, what I was doing, and how far I have come- it was the best reflection I have ever experienced.

AND its fun.  The instructor says to breath in and out through your nose- but breathing out my deviated septum is impossible so I am definitely the mouth breather girl in yoga class.  I also suck at the balance exercises- which means I'm the floppy girl giggling at herself in the back of the room.  And in two of the classes I have been to-somebody has done the flatulence release pose which was nothing short of hysterical!!!

But the best reason to go to Yoga is the relaxation part at the end of class.  Its a meditation period, where the instructor guides you through a period of clearing your mind, relaxing your body and focusing on yourself.  I think this part of the class is invaluable- after I get done with yoga I feel like I could take on the world and anything that stands in my way.

I challenge you to take 3 classes- get back to me.........**


  1. I took a Yoga in college because I thought it would be an "easy" elective credit. Then I learned how wrong I was! It's funny that yoga is associated with relaxing...because it's so not true. I always wanted to get back into it but I never seem to.

    Have you ever done Bikram yoga? Talk about intense! I did a class here, I keep telling myself I'm going to start doing on a regular basis and get my ass back in shape but I keep finding reason to "do it tomorrow".

    Good for you, sticking with it. You're my hero. :o)

  2. LOLZ- Mariah!!! You crack me up!!! I have not done that type of Yoga how the hell do you pronounce it??? So I look cool when I say it....You should do it- although the last time I saw a picture of you- you were built like a brick shit house- don't do anything to change up those curves Marilyn.....Hugs and Kisses to Kenai!!1

    Love on ya, tiff**

  3. Ha. Marilyn...I like it. :oP Oh don't worry, no matter how much I work out my curves are going anywhere! I just want to work having curves vs rolls. ;o)
