My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tank Girl without her Tank!?!**

LEGS when to his brief yesterday where they give you information about what to start doing and what you have to do in order to move to GERMANY.  I am taking this all in stride as best I can but it is very complicated.  
First, I have to join this program called Army Community Service Exceptional Family Member Program "EFMP" you know the Army and their damn acronyms.....Its a group that decides if specific medical/special education needs can be met at the location we are traveling too.  The reason I have to sign up is because of my Asthma and my Thyroid Disorder- curse them both to HELL!!!  And I have to get a physical........I am sure everything will be fine- but in the back of my mind- I worry that they will tell me I can't go.  I try really hard not to ever let these things hold me back but sometimes they do- and denial doesn't cut it.
Reading some of the guide lines they give you has us also debating weather or not to take the FJ.  I love that truck, its my tank- what is tank girl without her tank???  They indicate that if your vehicle is too wide or long they advise not to bring it.   The FJ is wide, but.........everybody we have talked to said it would be fine.  Personally I think LEGS wants his dream car the Audi and that is why he is even more unsure weather or not to take the FJ.  It is hard, we are already giving up two dogs to go.  Maybe I am focusing too much on the small things, but my car to me is independence.........

They also say that they don't have built in closets over there- you use armoires.......I look at my closet and at LEGS's closet and that seems like a nightmare to me.  We went through some of his clothes today.....I wish I was exaggerating but the man has 500 T-Shirts!!!! Its ridiculous!!! If somebody buys him another T-Shirt I am going to commit suicide!!! I wonder what people do over there- do they just have clothes strewn all over their house???
LEGS may have to go before me too.  We were really hoping to travel together but, it might be hard for us to find a place EVEN with JUST Karmella.  We are really going to try to get out of this house by January- but that is pretty aggressive since we don't have his official orders yet.  We are just trying to save money wherever we can and it would be cheaper to rent a crappy apartment until we can get everything including me and Karmella over there.  The other benefit to moving our things early is getting them sooner- they said it can take months to get your things- so we may be roughing it for an extended period of time.  I have to say that I do kindive like this idea of living on the bare minimum with the bare minimum- its what makes this a REAL LIFE ADVENTURE!!!! And it also makes you thankful for the luxuries so many of us take for granted......
I know I seem a little more melancholy today- I'm not sad I'm just focused.  One of our friends is getting stationed in Korea.  They aren't allowing any family to accompany them right now- so he might have to leave his wife and brand new baby daughter behind for 6 months or more.  
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.................**

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