My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Got my curves back!!! .*)

I finally....... got my curves back....Shazam!!!

I noticed it yesterday when I slid on a pair of jean shorts and they hugged my derriere instead of hanging off and looking like I sh*t my pants.  Usually, I would be horrified, quickly taking off the shorts stepping on the scale and gearing up for a run.......but a big smile spread across my face and the song "Baby's got her blue jeans on" by Mel McDaniel replayed over and over in my head.

When I was competitively boxing my weight was everything.  I had to be conscious of every single thing I put into my mouth- I even had to be careful how much water I drank!!! I would get up every morning and run three miles in a sauna suit- IN ALABAMA-IN THE SUMMER- then I would go to my regular boxing workout sometimes two times a day-which was very grueling as well.  I felt like I was in a concentration camp, with hardly enough food and very little water to keep functioning at times....It was an interesting experiment to see how little I could function on, it was also interesting how it effected my mood, although I cannot say that LEGS found it that interesting LOLZ....

I would get on the scale all the time, when I got up, before I ate, after I ate, before I went to practice, after I got home from practice, before I went to bed......and this is all part of being in a weight managed sport......If I had it to do all over again I am not sure what I would do because I am in the middle of two weight classes and giving up weight is probably worse than losing water weight......its just tough maintaining the same weight for an entire week for a tournament......when you get out of tournament you eat like you just got out of boot camp- EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE DAYDREAMED ABOUT!!!!

Anyways........even after I decided to take a break from competition- I had a hard time breaking some of the habits that I had become so religious about.  I would still check my weight often and kill myself until I was satisfied with the number on the scale.  After awhile it started to scare me- why was I so obsessed with my weight when I didn't need to be? I even took my scale on vacation to Alaska with me!!!!..... I needed to find balance in my life again.

I eat pretty much whatever I want.....which is nice.  But I workout pretty hard everyday so that I can be liberal with my diet.  Like  "The Situation" says- "if you want to look good you gotta go to the gym." I try to eat healthy too, but I enjoy myself with more than just fruits, vegetables, protein, and water.  I eat carbs, I revel in dessert, and I have a few drinks a week.  I also try to watch my portions- I have learned that I hate being too full-its why do I keep eating??? I have quit forcing myself to "clear" my plate like my parents told me to, in the end you are only costing yourself more in medical bills from being obese then what you throw away in food.....

I want to look good, but I also want to look like a woman.  I am so glad that women like Marilyn Monroe and Beyonce' make it so beautiful to have curves and put out that image.  I have been watching this HBO show called "Boardwalk Empire" I like the show because even though the women are on television they are also voluptuous.

Voluptuous does not mean fat either....It means pleasure, fullness of beauty......I get upset with the pressure that women have to maintain this fairytale body that you see on the magazines, I also get upset with women who don't work out and complain about how they look.  I don't like it when pregnant women or women who just had babies get down on themselves.  I don't like it when your job or your hobby requires you to be a certain number either.

My name is Tiffany A. Coussens, I have been skinny all my life.....until I was diagnosed with a Thyroid disorder that causes you to gain weight.  I was an elite athlete on the National Level and even when I was in the best shape of my life I still wasn't satisfied with what I saw in the mirror......

My point is that if I make good food choices most of the time, if I limit my portions, I exercise and I challenge myself when I exercise (most people don't push themselves past their comfort level), then I should be happy with what I have...........I don't want to show up at my funeral in perfect condition I want to enjoy life......because it only happens once.....**

1 comment:

  1. Preach on sister. Do you ever watch Mad Men? Joan Halloway (the actress is Christina Hendricks) is my curvy idol!
