My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Hot, Hot, Hot, Stayin' Alive...**

Hi Bloggy face head.....
Glücklicher Valentines Tag! (Happy Valentines Day in German, pronounced Glooclicker Valenteeeenes Tahg) 
Weather brought to you all the way from NEVER NEVER LAND by Tank Girl: More cold, damp, foggy weather.  I can't describe the cold here, its much different than Alaska, more similar to Alabama cold in that its humid, but more intense.
A few months ago, I brought up Valentines day with LEGS.  We didn't know if we would be State Side or in NEVER NEVER LAND (kinda makes it hard to plan).  I asked him what he wanted to is the conversation:
ARMS:'So what do you want to do for Valentines Day? I don't know if we will be here or in NEVER NEVER LAND?'
LEGS:'I am taking you to Germany for Valentines Day....Laughs'
ARMS:'Oh...okay...laughs your a jerk...' In my mind I am thinking he is right, I mean how many girls get to do that? I am a spoiled rotten brat and I know it.

Since then, people have asked LEGS what he is doing for me and he has started to feel horrible and incredibly guilty.  So bad in fact yesterday he said he would get me something it may just be belated.  I laughed at him.  I really do enjoy Valentines Day and people like to claim that its a Hallmark holiday etc., but I do think people take each other for granted and we should celebrate love whenever we have an excuse.  

That being said I am so happy the pressure has been off me to relax on getting LEGS a gift, I mean he is so hard to shop for! I am not disappointed that he hasn't gotten me anything, I mean......I am living in NEVER NEVER LAND, we will have to go out to dinner tonight because we have no other choice,  and I am so happy and fulfilled I don't really want anything.

After writing this entire section of the blog, LEGS arranged for Squirrely to get me some beautiful flowers for Valentines Day.  They are beautiful and I am very happy with my Valentine for LIFE! (and let me add Squirrely has very good taste in flowers!)

As promised I said I would take more pictures of the food.  Yesterday morning I did not want coffee because I wanted to go back to sleep so Heidi the lady that runs the Pastorious house, offered me some hot water for tea.  I asked her which kind she liked and she told me to get the red one.  It was strawberry-cherry flavored tea called 'Sweet Kiss.' She told me its her young daughter Onalisa's favorite.  Here is a picture of the packaging it came in. 
Last night we ordered a pizza. Luckily the lady who answered the phone had excellent English but I forgot how many questions they need answers to, like I didn't know the street address just the name of the place we are staying, or my own phone number.......Seesh.......I wanted to get the family size because since we have been here we have been incredibly hungry, but LEGS insisted we order the "Party" size, which came with a salad.  Here is the picture of the pizza, salad and wine we purchased from the B&B:
The pizza we got was called Pizza Capriciosa, it had mushrooms, ham, salami, pepper-stripes (slices of pepper), artichokes, and green peperoni. We figured out that 'green peperoni' is actually green peperoncini not some special type of pepperoni. From what I have seen they slather their salads with lots of dressing so we didn't eat much of it, it was to soppy. Of course it ended up being too much pizza, so we brought the leftovers down to the Peterson's.  
Here is pictures of the complimentary breakfast at the Pastorious Haus.  As you can see it is more like lunch in the States.
I went to the gym on base this morning.  It was a pretty nice gym and it was completely empty.  
I also Skyped with The Mommy.
After the gym I took Karmella for a walk, I meant to take her down to the park again, but as I wandered through the city, I got a little lost, I knew I would find my way so I didn't panic, I just kept walking.  Finally a half hour later I made it back to the B&B.
We went to see the other 'bigger' Apartment in Ickelheim.  I was really excited because each place we have looked at has been progressively better. Let me just say that I can rock anything out, so I did like the vintage 1970 style tile work. The 1970' vibe was so intense I am surprised LEGS and I did walk out of their with bell bottoms, fro's, disco balls, singing a song from the BEE GEE's.
It was larger, but much older and I wasn't that impressed with it, in fact we will not be taking it, mostly because the master bedroom was dumpy (last picture before balcony).  Here are pictures anyhow....

Tomorrow we are looking at a HOUSE in Oberdachstetten (pronounced OBER-Dock-Shhhtet-Tin).  Apparently is has a huge yard, like 2 acres, they said I would only have to maintain a small amount of it and they would cut the rest, but Karmella would have full access, and the housing guy said the Kitchen is a "Pearl." At this point I am really hoping we find our house soon.....out of the 4 places I have seen we have only liked 1 enough to move in, so the batting average is pretty low.
Tonight we are going to a romantic dinner with Sir Bradford and Squirrely.
Random Thoughts and Stories:
Last night I went to plug in my camera charger, and bolts of electricity came shooting out of the outlet.  I was too terrified to continue forth with the plug in so I snatched my hand away, LEGS had to brave it.  He told me that every time he has plugged stuff in that is what has happened.  Also he told me they used stronger electricity here so to be careful.
This waking up starving like I haven't eaten in days thing is getting old. 
Some people are just strange....
I am lost, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic.....where is the church steeple? Oh there it is.....make a square, make a square.....
Man, my body is warm, but my face is completely numb.
Yeah.....good job Karmella, just take a dump right in front of the lady on the sidewalk behind us......(yes....I cleaned it up).
Carrying around a bad of dog poop is a strange phenomena.....
Over & Out....
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.....**


  1. Got your blog link from your Grams. Looks like you lucked out in the house with modernized bath and kitchen. Karmella must be happy with the yard. Rootbeer mash?? Urgh!!


  2. Hey Diane! I hope you like the blog!!! We did luck out with the house, and I cannot wait to start working in the yard, it has a big garden so I expect to be calling Grams with all kinds of questions! Its Root Beet mash, mash potatoes with beets, it was delicious!!! Love on ya tiff**
