How goes it BLOG?:
TANK GIRLZ Weather Report: Today I saw this magical white stuff, it fell from the sky, I think its called snow, but I can't be sure......Unfortunately it did not stick....but it was nice to see....the magic.....
LEGS and I went to the Reedville Cafe' for breakfast today with Uncle Firefighter and Aunt Sheriff. I suspect we cannot get enough of the Reedville Cafe's amazing food. LEGS looked down at his stomach tonight and was surprised to see how big his belly has gotten......I don't look down because I know I look practically will be absolutely necessary to thin and dry out when we get back to Alabama....
(Uncle Firefighter and Aunt Sheriff- Uncle Firefighter has been an idol of LEGS' since he was a child. Aunt Sheriff is an idol of mine, she worked in the Sheriff's office as a prison guard...totally BA!)
I have kept my promise to do something that scares me everyday, except it has been hard to find things that aren't too ridiculous so it hasn't been everyday.....but its been more than usual......
Today I went with 'Medicine Woman' and got a third piercing in my ear. I have wanted one for awhile, and after saying goodbye to my Ninja yesterday I wanted to do something painful. I know it sounds weird but I kinda miss the pain and hurt of boxing.....
We went to an actual piercing place, which I prefer over your standard 16 year old dizzy girl working at Clare's. The chick who pierced me was super cool, and did a great job. (For those of you in the Portland area its called 'The Black Hole' in Beaverton) I CANNOT believe how nervous and scared I was. I wanted a tiny stud, but they only had hoops, now that I have a hoop I think I like it better than a stud....
I sat down and she marked me, I checked it in the mirror and agreed. And then my heart started pounding...I felt the need to bail or change my mind....I started feeling shaky, it was the exact same nerves I get before a boxing match.....I was frustrated with myself for being such a wuss.....but it was quick and painless. My ears have burned a little and have run a little hot today, but I really like my third hole....
After that, 'Medicine Woman' and I went into downtown Portland to do some shopping. I bought LongShanks a gift because she let us stay with her on the way up to Oregon and we are spending New Years with her and the Boyfriend (that is in a band) on the way back to Alabama. I also purchased a reasonably priced pair of brown boots since the pair I have are shot.
I wanted to buy a lot of other stuff, but since we are moving I just didn't see the point, and I am trying very hard to be disciplined and frugal. I went into some of my favorite stores with local talent, vintage styles, and unique baubles.....I saw some pretty serious swag on the sidewalks of Portland as miss the city! I saw so many neat things my Sisters would love....but I am hoping to send them some one of kind things from NEVER NEVER LAND and made special by me very soon....
As we were leaving......
Medicine Woman said: 'Man....that guy was creepy...'
Arms: 'What guy?' As I looked behind me......
Medicine Woman: 'That guy in that store we were just in...'
At this point I realized we had two men, who appeared to be of questionable character swiftly following us......I started to tense up and get worried......One of the men asked us if we needed them to help us carry our bags.....pshhhhhh........I said 'No Thanks!' and gave them the Ice Queen Death Stare if looks could kill........
I haven't felt that scared or nervous in a really long time.....but I told myself that I wasn't going to be victimized without a fight........Luckily they buggered off onto the TRAM....but I looked back and saw them casing some other folks on the shuttle......NO GOOD.....
Once we got home we had some other last minute errands to run. We had to hit up a few stores that we don't have in Alabama and probably won't have in NEVER NEVER LAND either.
Queen Di and I didn't finish the apron, but she is going to finish the rest of it for me and bring it to Alabama for LEGS' graduation. Even though the pattern was simple....I am afraid it was too much for me to start out when I get home I need to do some serious practice on the sewing machine......
I also got the yarn for Kay-Bear's baby blanket.......Tiffany Blue and Plum.....I can't wait to get started on it but I am afraid I have a few other projects in line.....
We packed the car tonight, its a much better this time back, more room and we don't need the roof bag.........
So tomorrow we head for our temporary home in Alabama. Its supposed to freeze tonight, so the roads are all black ice.....we will probably wait until they thaw out before we take off.......tentative plans are to stay in or around Salt Lake City tomorrow night......
LEGS has been moody all day because I know he doesn't want to leave his family and frankly neither do I.....its hard..right now we are wayward travelers with no place to call home....but like I said sometimes in life you have to be tougher than you can imagine being...
Just another day in the life of unlikely military wife....**
My Life's Philosophy.......
OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**
About Me

- Tiff**
- A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
COULD NOT and WOULD NOT.....without you.....**
Oh my dear blog:
It has been an emotionally overwhelming couple of days.....
Local Portland Weather brought to you by TANK GIRL: RAIN...... .*(
On Sunday we went over to The Cotton residence. LEGS grew up with the Cotton boys and we had a wonderful afternoon of catching up and visiting with them. They had us over for dinner, which is some of the best tasting pizza I have had in a long while........Zoey and Nick live and work in L.A., California. It was a colorful melting pot (Apache Pilot, Military Wife/Female Boxer, Casting Director, and Female Web Designer) of inspirational characters that are all chasing their dreams and making something of themselves despite the economy and hopelessness that sometimes is too prevalent in our media...... .*P
While we were away the Coussens' family chipped in and watched all three doggies. We were very fortunate that nothing terrible happened during our fact all three dogs have been doing very well these last few days.....YAY! .*D
After the Cotton's house call, we went to see 'The Fighter' in theaters. It was an excellent human interest story of a boxer based on the true story of Mickey Ward. I fear it might have been a little too 'rough' for a few members of the Coussens' family, however LEGS and I enjoyed it. I felt that a few of the fighting scenes in the BEGINNING of the movie were not as accurate as I had hoped, and I also discovered how awkward and bizarre boxers are to people on the outside of that world- which I had never realized up until now......It was a great true story of how many boxers come from a rough background (which in my opinion makes them incredibly resilient and better fighters for obvious reasons) and overall overcome obstacles in the ring and in life! :)
Last night was the annual Coussens' Holiday Party. It is always an amazing, beautiful affair that is catered with the best food and drinks from the 'Reedville Cafe'. We had an amazing time with the salt of the earth, many friends and family that we only see when we come to Oregon graced us with their presence. We were congratulated, cheered, and genuinely questioned about all of our adventures and aspirations for the future! It was an exciting and awesome event that LEGS and I were proud to attend..... .*D
Today, was a rough day. I did some sewing with Queen Di which was fun, but I can see that I am in desperate need of practice, and have a long way to go to be good like Queen Di is........also we had to spend much of the afternoon preparing Jake for transport to Alaska.
LEGS cleaned out his kennel. I put my perfume on his blanket for his house. We set up his water and food dishes. We got some ham from the holiday dinners to go with the Benedryl we had to give him to make him sleepy.
BobDad said something funny. He said:
BobDad: 'Put the medicine in the patties we give "medicine woman."
(Side Note: LEGS' sister is in Nursing school and her long term boyfriend is soon to be a Doctor- so we have nicknamed them Dr. Cree and Medicine Woman, also she is a vegetarian so she eats soy patties from Morningstar)
(Dr. Cree and Medicine Woman)
Meanwhile, Jake was being his charming self, and slowly pacing with his 'baby' in his mouth back and forth....back and forth.....
I kept breaking down in tears. It was surreal. I couldn't believe how fast the day had come. I kept thinking that I am a horrible parent because of everything I have put these dogs through. I didn't want him to think that I didn't want him....or not know what was going to happen to him...... :*****(
I got more upset when I took myself out of the equation and realized that I was crying over a DOG.....but he loves me unconditionally, and he has been through and helped me through so much....not only that but he has been the most well behaved, smooth, chillax dog we have brought on this trip......I know that Chach and Megs will take excellent care of him and grow to love him just as much as I do...... :****(
It hasn't all been bad......we have had the most wonderful trip to Oregon, and across the United States. I have looked into so many genuine people's eyes and have seen that they love us, they are cheering for us, and they are hoping we will be the change they wish to see in the world. They have housed our chaos, helped us financially, cooked for us, given us comfort, assurance, motivation and a generous love.......we are just so lucky to have these wonderful, beautiful, amazing friends and family in our lives......WE JUST SIMPLY COULD NOT and WOULD NOT do what we do without them!!!!!!!
It has been an emotionally overwhelming couple of days.....
Local Portland Weather brought to you by TANK GIRL: RAIN...... .*(
On Sunday we went over to The Cotton residence. LEGS grew up with the Cotton boys and we had a wonderful afternoon of catching up and visiting with them. They had us over for dinner, which is some of the best tasting pizza I have had in a long while........Zoey and Nick live and work in L.A., California. It was a colorful melting pot (Apache Pilot, Military Wife/Female Boxer, Casting Director, and Female Web Designer) of inspirational characters that are all chasing their dreams and making something of themselves despite the economy and hopelessness that sometimes is too prevalent in our media...... .*P
While we were away the Coussens' family chipped in and watched all three doggies. We were very fortunate that nothing terrible happened during our fact all three dogs have been doing very well these last few days.....YAY! .*D
After the Cotton's house call, we went to see 'The Fighter' in theaters. It was an excellent human interest story of a boxer based on the true story of Mickey Ward. I fear it might have been a little too 'rough' for a few members of the Coussens' family, however LEGS and I enjoyed it. I felt that a few of the fighting scenes in the BEGINNING of the movie were not as accurate as I had hoped, and I also discovered how awkward and bizarre boxers are to people on the outside of that world- which I had never realized up until now......It was a great true story of how many boxers come from a rough background (which in my opinion makes them incredibly resilient and better fighters for obvious reasons) and overall overcome obstacles in the ring and in life! :)
Last night was the annual Coussens' Holiday Party. It is always an amazing, beautiful affair that is catered with the best food and drinks from the 'Reedville Cafe'. We had an amazing time with the salt of the earth, many friends and family that we only see when we come to Oregon graced us with their presence. We were congratulated, cheered, and genuinely questioned about all of our adventures and aspirations for the future! It was an exciting and awesome event that LEGS and I were proud to attend..... .*D
Today, was a rough day. I did some sewing with Queen Di which was fun, but I can see that I am in desperate need of practice, and have a long way to go to be good like Queen Di is........also we had to spend much of the afternoon preparing Jake for transport to Alaska.
LEGS cleaned out his kennel. I put my perfume on his blanket for his house. We set up his water and food dishes. We got some ham from the holiday dinners to go with the Benedryl we had to give him to make him sleepy.
BobDad said something funny. He said:
BobDad: 'Put the medicine in the patties we give "medicine woman."
(Side Note: LEGS' sister is in Nursing school and her long term boyfriend is soon to be a Doctor- so we have nicknamed them Dr. Cree and Medicine Woman, also she is a vegetarian so she eats soy patties from Morningstar)
(Dr. Cree and Medicine Woman)
Meanwhile, Jake was being his charming self, and slowly pacing with his 'baby' in his mouth back and forth....back and forth.....
I kept breaking down in tears. It was surreal. I couldn't believe how fast the day had come. I kept thinking that I am a horrible parent because of everything I have put these dogs through. I didn't want him to think that I didn't want him....or not know what was going to happen to him...... :*****(
We got him to the airport, on the way he just laid down like he had given he had been through so much he was just plain tired....once we put him in his kennel he looked so scared so I was praying the meds would kick in soon, LEGS and I are going to miss him dearly, walking away was pretty tough....
I got more upset when I took myself out of the equation and realized that I was crying over a DOG.....but he loves me unconditionally, and he has been through and helped me through so much....not only that but he has been the most well behaved, smooth, chillax dog we have brought on this trip......I know that Chach and Megs will take excellent care of him and grow to love him just as much as I do...... :****(
Then we headed to Aunt Fran's for dinner.....even though I was wishing I could just curl up and hide.... :*/
Sometimes.........I feel like its not fair. All I have done since I met LEGS is start over and over and over again. First he's home, then he is gone, then he is home, we married, then he is gone, new jobs, new houses, Cross Country moves, more new houses, more new jobs, fewer dogs, fewer guns, fewer sentimental items, being away from family and friends, always saying goodbye, always saying hello........and all the while I am still trying to figure out who I am, what I want to be......constantly trying to bend, be flexible, be patient, relax, take it one day at a time.......I guess.....sometimes in life you have to be stronger than you can imagine......It hasn't all been bad......we have had the most wonderful trip to Oregon, and across the United States. I have looked into so many genuine people's eyes and have seen that they love us, they are cheering for us, and they are hoping we will be the change they wish to see in the world. They have housed our chaos, helped us financially, cooked for us, given us comfort, assurance, motivation and a generous love.......we are just so lucky to have these wonderful, beautiful, amazing friends and family in our lives......WE JUST SIMPLY COULD NOT and WOULD NOT do what we do without them!!!!!!!
Jake has landed in AK, he is now on guard duty for two Alaskan Princesses- whom are very precious to me as well.......I love you Jake....and I love you and am grateful to have two wonderful sisters that will take the best care of my ninja......
Clancy is fast asleep on his brand new bed in BobDad and Queen Di's room.....
And Karmella is asleep in our I suppose everything is right in the world.....for now.....
Random Thoughts: Karmella is such a hussy......she has been in more laps in the last week then a newborn baby........
Just another heartbreaking and heartwarming few days in the life of unlikely military wife.....**
Monday, December 27, 2010
Chewy Desserts....**
Dearest Blog,
I am sorry I have not written you but I needed some time away from you....please forgive me......
Weather Report: Its raining all day, all night, everyday and every night.....
On Christmas Eve, we went to a church service, Queen Di was singing in it, so the only reason LEGS would go to church is to support the Queen. Miraculously he did not burst into open flame upon entering the Church for his lack of belief in GOD. It was a great service, the Minister spoke on Miraculous Divine Nature and how every person is special when they are born just like Jesus was. The entire point can be summed up in one of my favorite quotes:
Random Thoughts:
Don't you hate it when you go to the bathroom and even though you have changed locations, times of day and bathrooms you are always the one that is changing the toilet paper roll?
I saw the most muscular guy I have ever seen last night working at the movie theater.....wonder how his ego is doing???
I don't mind being re-gifted, but at least give it a good wash instead of giving it to me dirty.....
Just another Christmas in the life on an unlikely military wife.....**
I am sorry I have not written you but I needed some time away from you....please forgive me......
Weather Report: Its raining all day, all night, everyday and every night.....
On Christmas Eve, we went to a church service, Queen Di was singing in it, so the only reason LEGS would go to church is to support the Queen. Miraculously he did not burst into open flame upon entering the Church for his lack of belief in GOD. It was a great service, the Minister spoke on Miraculous Divine Nature and how every person is special when they are born just like Jesus was. The entire point can be summed up in one of my favorite quotes:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure a...round you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It is not just in some of us; it's in everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Nelson Mandela**
It was a strange Christmas, nobody except LEGS was awake early or overly eager to open presents. It was very casual, I think we started to open around 930am.......LEGS got his dream Camera and I got a wonderful awesome set of pots and pans that I cannot wait to cook on in NEVER NEVER LAND.....We got a french press, a teapot, a tea kettle, special teas, I got a new pair of shoes, a beautiful ring from Cupcake, picture frames, monkey slippers from my sisters, a precious moments of a soldier and wife, Lots of books from my Daddy, a picture of Bristol from my Aunt Grace, etc., etc.,.....basically we made out like bandits.....
I think everybody liked our gifts although I feel bad because we did not give as much as we got......
Clancy Duke, Jake the Snake, and Karmella Bella even got toys from Tom and Jerry.
After opening presents we had a grand breakfast of Dutch Babies and Grapefruit. After all this I needed a I took one.
We had a Martha Stewart Christmas dinner of ham, prime rib and turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and salad, with great wine, mixed drinks by Cupcake, and awesome beer.......the highlight of the evening was watching everybody struggle through a particularly chewy dessert that cupcake made.......
LEGS and I have been going a million miles an hour since we got to Oregon. We have been seeing so many people and answering so many questions that I feel as though I have been in a week long interview process of the worst critics which means the people that we would most likely want to make good impressions with......also we have gained at least 30 pounds between the two of us.......
We have so many great family members and friends that have shown us spectacular hospitality since we have started our epic traveling adventure.....
Don't you hate it when you go to the bathroom and even though you have changed locations, times of day and bathrooms you are always the one that is changing the toilet paper roll?
I saw the most muscular guy I have ever seen last night working at the movie theater.....wonder how his ego is doing???
I don't mind being re-gifted, but at least give it a good wash instead of giving it to me dirty.....
Just another Christmas in the life on an unlikely military wife.....**
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Having Faith....**
What up Blog!?:
The local weather brought to you by the one and only, often imitated never duplicated 'TANK Girl': Thank the Lord Jesus and Moses it did not rain in Portland, Oregon today, the yard is starting to dry out.....just a little.....maybe. Also, I have to keep reminding myself that its Christmas because without snow......its just bizarre......
On June 5, 2010 I lost a dear, dear friend of mine named LEX. Exactly 5 months later something VERY interesting and special happened to me.
I was feeling really down, because last year on Thanksgiving I said goodbye to this friend thinking I would see him again, but I never got the chance. I had been thinking about him often and missed his companionship, friendship, but most of all I missed how he seemed to understand me so well.......because I often feel misunderstood and weird to most other people.
A few days before November 5th, 2010 I had gotten a friend request from a girl named Kat. She was mutual friends with one other person- LEGS.....I asked LEGS who she was and he said 'a friend from high school.' So I confirmed her. On November 5, I got a message from Kat that said:
Kat:' I don't know why, but I really like you.'
I literally was laughing in an empty house out loud, because what do you say to that? And isn't kinda rude? But luckily I find people who say what they mean and mean what they say refreshing.
Kat and I started a very deep and captivating pen pal friendship on facebook. (Listen.....I know this is weird......) I have learned that Kat has had a very challenging past, much like my good friend LEX. I started to think, why would she come into my life exactly 5 months after his passing? must be destiny. People say that I'm a spook, but all I could do was think maybe LEX wanted me to have her in my life......
Then I asked her what she does for a living and learned that she is preparing to go to Monastery to become an Orthodox nun. I have found this to be a very fascinating, refreshing and amazing path in life......I mean I have never known a nun before...have you?
She says most people support her because they like the idea of a nun praying for them, however, I support her because I find the discipline required for this lifestyle and the selflessness of it all to be intriguing and inspiring. She also sings in the liturgy, which is the service itself which I also find amazing, since these songs have been sung for thousands of years!!!!
( I know what you are thinking.....she could be lying right? But.....I'm no fool.....she has sent me video of her singing one of the services, I have pictures of her in front of the pictures of the saints in the church, and her religious knowledge is incredible) oh and she went to a Jesuit High School along with my husband.
I don't know why but her and I have an electrical connection, we talk about all kinds of amazing things, books, music, we read each other's blogs, we ask questions about each others lives, its exciting, I cannot wait to get messages from her and vice versa.
I have also found that I feel more secure in my belief in GOD, I am not religious, I do not go to church, but as a military wife I have to comfort myself with the idea of a high power. Kat makes me feel at peace in my belief, and she also has an amazing perspective on why church and religion is broken, and what can be done to fix it.
I have learned through getting to know her, that first of all trusting the bizarre things (like getting to know people on facebook) that happen to you in life is perfectly okay, and also having faith that everything will work out is important- I guess it does help that she prays for me which lifts my spirit and makes my heart just glow so much that I have been praying more, I have been more thankful and more compassionate....its like I actually HAVE FAITH.......
I met her for the first time face to face today, and it was incredible. First of all she has the most sugary sweet smooth like caramel voice, she gives the best hugs, she brought LEGS, Queen Di, and I Christmas gifts, and she has the most amazing light inside her.
(Side note: When LEGS first went to Iraq the first time, he sent me religious books to read and had a firm belief in GOD. By the time he returned he had lost all hope and all faith. That was years ago, and it is still lost (much to my dismay) )
LEGS and Kat discussed religion on the way home, and it was like I could almost see him finding his faith again........MAGICAL.......
Kat has become a special part of my life, I am so glad to have met her....Something tells me that Kat and I are going to be very good friends for a very long time.......Love ya kitty Kat......
Random Thoughts and Stories:
The big garage door was accidentally left open today. LEGS went to take Karmella outside to 'Go Potty' and she took off running toward the VERY busy street located in front of the Coussens' property. LEGS fiercely ran her down and was able to catch her right before she was doomed. After he had caught her, he walked home sobbing (side note: LEGS DOES NOT CRY EVER!!!) He said he had to spend 10 minutes in the garage getting himself together before he could enter the house. Once he came into the house I could tell something was wrong......but he felt like everybody was oblivious to what he had just been through.......He sat down on the couch today and cried a little more in front of Kat and I. He said he was so afraid of losing Karmella today.
D.A.P.S works. The dogs seem a lot more calm and relaxed today.
It hasn't always been easy, but I find myself really growing to like, love and enjoy LEGS' family. I suspect that they have finally accepted me, just as I have finally accepted them. We have had an amazing time full of laughter, love, and an openness that I have never experienced with them. I love you Bobdad, Queen Di, LEGS, Cupcake, Short stop, and there are a few others I have not mentioned (though they know who they are) because I don't have the perfect nicknames for them..... yet.....
Queen Di took me to get fabric today, we picked out a pattern to make an apron......I AM SO EXCITED to learn to sew!!!
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.......**
The local weather brought to you by the one and only, often imitated never duplicated 'TANK Girl': Thank the Lord Jesus and Moses it did not rain in Portland, Oregon today, the yard is starting to dry out.....just a little.....maybe. Also, I have to keep reminding myself that its Christmas because without snow......its just bizarre......
On June 5, 2010 I lost a dear, dear friend of mine named LEX. Exactly 5 months later something VERY interesting and special happened to me.
I was feeling really down, because last year on Thanksgiving I said goodbye to this friend thinking I would see him again, but I never got the chance. I had been thinking about him often and missed his companionship, friendship, but most of all I missed how he seemed to understand me so well.......because I often feel misunderstood and weird to most other people.
A few days before November 5th, 2010 I had gotten a friend request from a girl named Kat. She was mutual friends with one other person- LEGS.....I asked LEGS who she was and he said 'a friend from high school.' So I confirmed her. On November 5, I got a message from Kat that said:
Kat:' I don't know why, but I really like you.'
I literally was laughing in an empty house out loud, because what do you say to that? And isn't kinda rude? But luckily I find people who say what they mean and mean what they say refreshing.
Kat and I started a very deep and captivating pen pal friendship on facebook. (Listen.....I know this is weird......) I have learned that Kat has had a very challenging past, much like my good friend LEX. I started to think, why would she come into my life exactly 5 months after his passing? must be destiny. People say that I'm a spook, but all I could do was think maybe LEX wanted me to have her in my life......
Then I asked her what she does for a living and learned that she is preparing to go to Monastery to become an Orthodox nun. I have found this to be a very fascinating, refreshing and amazing path in life......I mean I have never known a nun before...have you?
She says most people support her because they like the idea of a nun praying for them, however, I support her because I find the discipline required for this lifestyle and the selflessness of it all to be intriguing and inspiring. She also sings in the liturgy, which is the service itself which I also find amazing, since these songs have been sung for thousands of years!!!!
( I know what you are thinking.....she could be lying right? But.....I'm no fool.....she has sent me video of her singing one of the services, I have pictures of her in front of the pictures of the saints in the church, and her religious knowledge is incredible) oh and she went to a Jesuit High School along with my husband.
I don't know why but her and I have an electrical connection, we talk about all kinds of amazing things, books, music, we read each other's blogs, we ask questions about each others lives, its exciting, I cannot wait to get messages from her and vice versa.
I have also found that I feel more secure in my belief in GOD, I am not religious, I do not go to church, but as a military wife I have to comfort myself with the idea of a high power. Kat makes me feel at peace in my belief, and she also has an amazing perspective on why church and religion is broken, and what can be done to fix it.
I have learned through getting to know her, that first of all trusting the bizarre things (like getting to know people on facebook) that happen to you in life is perfectly okay, and also having faith that everything will work out is important- I guess it does help that she prays for me which lifts my spirit and makes my heart just glow so much that I have been praying more, I have been more thankful and more compassionate....its like I actually HAVE FAITH.......
I met her for the first time face to face today, and it was incredible. First of all she has the most sugary sweet smooth like caramel voice, she gives the best hugs, she brought LEGS, Queen Di, and I Christmas gifts, and she has the most amazing light inside her.
(Side note: When LEGS first went to Iraq the first time, he sent me religious books to read and had a firm belief in GOD. By the time he returned he had lost all hope and all faith. That was years ago, and it is still lost (much to my dismay) )
LEGS and Kat discussed religion on the way home, and it was like I could almost see him finding his faith again........MAGICAL.......
Kat has become a special part of my life, I am so glad to have met her....Something tells me that Kat and I are going to be very good friends for a very long time.......Love ya kitty Kat......
Random Thoughts and Stories:
The big garage door was accidentally left open today. LEGS went to take Karmella outside to 'Go Potty' and she took off running toward the VERY busy street located in front of the Coussens' property. LEGS fiercely ran her down and was able to catch her right before she was doomed. After he had caught her, he walked home sobbing (side note: LEGS DOES NOT CRY EVER!!!) He said he had to spend 10 minutes in the garage getting himself together before he could enter the house. Once he came into the house I could tell something was wrong......but he felt like everybody was oblivious to what he had just been through.......He sat down on the couch today and cried a little more in front of Kat and I. He said he was so afraid of losing Karmella today.
D.A.P.S works. The dogs seem a lot more calm and relaxed today.
It hasn't always been easy, but I find myself really growing to like, love and enjoy LEGS' family. I suspect that they have finally accepted me, just as I have finally accepted them. We have had an amazing time full of laughter, love, and an openness that I have never experienced with them. I love you Bobdad, Queen Di, LEGS, Cupcake, Short stop, and there are a few others I have not mentioned (though they know who they are) because I don't have the perfect nicknames for them..... yet.....
Queen Di took me to get fabric today, we picked out a pattern to make an apron......I AM SO EXCITED to learn to sew!!!
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.......**
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Doggie Pheromones......**
Hey Blog!:
Its been a rough day to be the owner of two of three dogs.......
I got up to use the restroom myself this morning at 5:30am, as soon as I did I knew it was a mistake....all three dogs were up wagging their tails and waiting to be taken out and fed. Terrified that Karmella would have an accident in this beautiful house.....I was hurriedly getting dressed and running down the stairs (so I am sure you can imagine I looked disheveled and homeless)....I went to the side garage door, reached over for the light switch while looking outside for the location of the light...I found the switch turned on the light and promptly blinded myself with a powerful flood there I am reaching out in front of me feeling my way through the large open lawn.....attempting blindly to walk the dog...
Shortly after this we took all three dogs on a two mile walk....we got home they all laid down and were being such good dogs.
LEGS and I had to run to Fred Meyer, Best Buy and visit Grandma Coussens and Uncle Don. We left for about a 1/2 hour. In that half hour Karmella peed in the living room, and Clancy lifted his leg on an antique basket with quilts in it and sprayed, while LEGS' Mom who will now be called Queen Diana (she looks like Princess Diana to me) was on the phone.....The Queen started to yell in her soft voice "OH NO! OH NO!" (all of this occurred in the presence of Queen Di, and LEGS' sister Cupcake)
(Queen Diana would give Martha Stewart a run for her money, is a great Mom, and seriously cannot be aggressive or forceful which is necessary when you are a new pet owner of a Golden Retriever that goes by the name of 'Clancy Duke- the Celebrity')
All the dogs were taken out to the garage....and LEGS and I rushed home....but by then what do you do??? We scolded Clancy and Karmella and left them in their 'houses' for awhile. LEGS told Clancy 'Your going to pee yourself out of a home if you don't stop this....' my heart sunk....
After the 'time out' we took them outside, LEGS threw the ball for Clancy and Jake and I proceeded my schizophrenic pacing back and forth walk with Karmella in the yard, chanting over and over and over again 'Go Potty, Go Potty.' She didn't go UNTIL... I had all but given up hope, we had been in the driveway chatting with relatives for 45 minutes and I decided to try one last time.
The rest of the afternoon went okay.....
We had to leave to go visit Grandma Coussens and Uncle Don, because we never made it earlier, so we put the dogs in their 'houses.' While we were away Queen Diana called and said that she had stepped in poop in the formal dining room.....which she slipped on.....almost went down completely but ended up in a half kneeling position grasping onto the chair for dear life....she said she thought it was a banana peel......we cannot even comprehend how Karmella was able to manage this feet as she was never allowed into that room....???
Taking the dogs outside to 'Go Potty' has been a big production. First of all, the grass is sooooooo wet and soggy that we have to wear boots in order to go in the yard, I think Karmella gets stage fright because of the soppy grass, and they are covered in mud. So when we bring them into the garage we have to give them each a mini bath in order to allow them back into the house (understandably so)........After going through so much drama just to get them to pee and poop outside........its starting to make me feel seriously violent toward the dogs.
I am also starting to cry at the drop of a hat, (which is really AWESOME in front of LEGS' family) because I feel like the dogs are never going to adjust and deal well without LEGS, Me and each other......I feel like a horrible person not only for ruining this beautiful home with my chaos, but also for abandoning these amazing animals that cannot possible understand what is happening to them.....
I will say that my sissy, Queen Di, Bobdad (LEGS' dad) and Cupcake have been very helpful, understanding and determined to make this work. They have calmed my nerves, assured me, and promised to try very hard at taking care of the dogs.......and of course we have laughed at the theatrics of it all......
We got D.A.P.S.- its a doggie pheromone releaser....yes I have purchased doggie pheromones for my dogs.....this IS my life......
Just another crazy day in the life of an unlikely military wife.......**
Its been a rough day to be the owner of two of three dogs.......
I got up to use the restroom myself this morning at 5:30am, as soon as I did I knew it was a mistake....all three dogs were up wagging their tails and waiting to be taken out and fed. Terrified that Karmella would have an accident in this beautiful house.....I was hurriedly getting dressed and running down the stairs (so I am sure you can imagine I looked disheveled and homeless)....I went to the side garage door, reached over for the light switch while looking outside for the location of the light...I found the switch turned on the light and promptly blinded myself with a powerful flood there I am reaching out in front of me feeling my way through the large open lawn.....attempting blindly to walk the dog...
Shortly after this we took all three dogs on a two mile walk....we got home they all laid down and were being such good dogs.
LEGS and I had to run to Fred Meyer, Best Buy and visit Grandma Coussens and Uncle Don. We left for about a 1/2 hour. In that half hour Karmella peed in the living room, and Clancy lifted his leg on an antique basket with quilts in it and sprayed, while LEGS' Mom who will now be called Queen Diana (she looks like Princess Diana to me) was on the phone.....The Queen started to yell in her soft voice "OH NO! OH NO!" (all of this occurred in the presence of Queen Di, and LEGS' sister Cupcake)
(Queen Diana would give Martha Stewart a run for her money, is a great Mom, and seriously cannot be aggressive or forceful which is necessary when you are a new pet owner of a Golden Retriever that goes by the name of 'Clancy Duke- the Celebrity')
All the dogs were taken out to the garage....and LEGS and I rushed home....but by then what do you do??? We scolded Clancy and Karmella and left them in their 'houses' for awhile. LEGS told Clancy 'Your going to pee yourself out of a home if you don't stop this....' my heart sunk....
After the 'time out' we took them outside, LEGS threw the ball for Clancy and Jake and I proceeded my schizophrenic pacing back and forth walk with Karmella in the yard, chanting over and over and over again 'Go Potty, Go Potty.' She didn't go UNTIL... I had all but given up hope, we had been in the driveway chatting with relatives for 45 minutes and I decided to try one last time.
The rest of the afternoon went okay.....
We had to leave to go visit Grandma Coussens and Uncle Don, because we never made it earlier, so we put the dogs in their 'houses.' While we were away Queen Diana called and said that she had stepped in poop in the formal dining room.....which she slipped on.....almost went down completely but ended up in a half kneeling position grasping onto the chair for dear life....she said she thought it was a banana peel......we cannot even comprehend how Karmella was able to manage this feet as she was never allowed into that room....???
Taking the dogs outside to 'Go Potty' has been a big production. First of all, the grass is sooooooo wet and soggy that we have to wear boots in order to go in the yard, I think Karmella gets stage fright because of the soppy grass, and they are covered in mud. So when we bring them into the garage we have to give them each a mini bath in order to allow them back into the house (understandably so)........After going through so much drama just to get them to pee and poop outside........its starting to make me feel seriously violent toward the dogs.
I am also starting to cry at the drop of a hat, (which is really AWESOME in front of LEGS' family) because I feel like the dogs are never going to adjust and deal well without LEGS, Me and each other......I feel like a horrible person not only for ruining this beautiful home with my chaos, but also for abandoning these amazing animals that cannot possible understand what is happening to them.....
I will say that my sissy, Queen Di, Bobdad (LEGS' dad) and Cupcake have been very helpful, understanding and determined to make this work. They have calmed my nerves, assured me, and promised to try very hard at taking care of the dogs.......and of course we have laughed at the theatrics of it all......
We got D.A.P.S.- its a doggie pheromone releaser....yes I have purchased doggie pheromones for my dogs.....this IS my life......
Just another crazy day in the life of an unlikely military wife.......**
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Most likely to be on MTV's Real World....**
Blog! I have missed you!:
Today the coolest thing ever happened to me.....(but we will get to that in a second)........
As for my daily weather report: Its soggy, but semi-dry in Portland, Oregon.....would you expect anything else?
We got up earlyish....I finally had to put my foot down with LEGS last night. I was not going to get up super early and show up to his family's house tired, cranky and ticked off. We were going to be normal for a night.(And by normal I mean in a hotel room with three dogs)
Three days in the car was really getting to me, I was feeling horrible for the dogs, I had cankels, and I was starting to feel like I was losing touch with reality. I demanded that we relax, and get up at a more reasonable his resistance to this idea I balked and told him he could leave me in Boise, Idaho......
I did get my way but it wasn't as easy as it should be......This morning we woke up at a more human time of 630am. We had a nice breakfast at the hotel.....Got the dogs loaded up and headed out. In the car LEGS and I decided that we wanted a 'do-over' of our anniversary, which is sometimes necessary in marriages, so today was actually going to be the day of our anniversary.
The GPS lady that tells you where to go, we call her 'B*tc*in' Bette' (that is what pilots call the automated voice that gives them commands in the cockpit) she sounds like she is constipated, when she says 're-calculating', this is said when you get off course to go get gas or sounds like 'Re- CAAALLLLL-culating' you get it? Totally weird....
We saw this little Toyota truck driving today. It was holding up a bunch of traffic because it wouldn't pass the plow truck. When we passed it was this Lisa Loeb looking chick with glasses....and we totally mean mugged her as we passed her the first time.....
We couldn't figure out why she was so afraid to drive- yes...the road conditions were really bad....but sometimes driving slower is worse.....we decided she was probably driving a two wheel drive vehicle...we stopped to get gas, and passed her again along the way, sure enough in my side mirror I watched the poor girl spin right into the ditch.....I wish we could have backed up and helped her but it was really dangerous to do I feel really bad.....
Okay so about the coolest thing that has ever happened to me......
When I was in high school, I was voted 'most likely to be on MTV's Real World' of course I was shocked and honored, that show was like the best show on television back I was contacted by a show on MTV.....
I fell asleep in the car. When I woke up, LEGS said 'Somebody called you...' Sleepily I looked at my phone and saw NY, USA. I figured it was a relative of mine in I called the number. It turns out its this super awesome chick named Cheryl.
Cheryl: 'Hi, I am Cheryl and I am with a show called 'World of Jenks' are you familiar with it?'
ARMS: All pistons are not firing in my brain yet due to just waking up out of a coma- as I am struggling to get with it.....I start racking my brain, man it sounds familiar, I don't want to disappoint her by not knowing....'Uh, I think I have heard of it...' NICE......I sound like an idiot!
Cheryl: 'Its a documentary show, where we follow somebody for a few weeks...and tell a story about their life. We came across your name because we want to do a show on female boxers and want to do a show on you...would you be interested in that?'
ARMS: Okay in my mind I am in this for real? ' Uh....I am not really actively boxing right now, I am getting ready to move to GERMANY with my husband, but I can give you a few names of some girls that I think would do an amazing job representing female boxing, but can I call you back after I have thought about it?'
Cheryl:' Sure, yeah that would be great.'
I called her back and basically told her I had a serious falling out with my last Coach, which is why I am not training at this time, due to the fact that once you reach this level you can't just train with anybody.
I told her that my last Coach was a great Trainer, but I had a severe falling out with him on a personal level. She confirmed that when she spoke to him some of the things he said were not making this point I don't need to bog down my blog with somebody that I no longer associate with for various reasons, although, I cannot take away the fact that he was an excellent trainer and I learned many things from him.
I gave her the names of some dynamic female boxers I know, whom I intend on giving a heads up to, and we had an amazing conversation....
She told me the reason that they wanted to do a story on me was because of the military wife dynamic, and that she was really bummed out that I was moving to GERMANY, because I sound like a real spark....
At first I was a little bummed out too, for only like a minute, I am always shocked that they would want to do a story on me, and of course I would be thrilled.....and I told Cheryl if they ever did a story on a military wife, I would be grateful to represent that world.
Boxing is an amazing sport, and I love it. I fully intend on boxing in GERMANY and getting some international experience, it has brought me an extreme amount of notoriety, and has allowed me some opportunities and experiences that are once in a lifetime.
But......I have so many things I want to try and do with my life.....I want to be an Archer, a Ninja, I want to design and make my own clothes and purses, writing a blog for a living would be cool (Cheryl did say she would follow my blog....who knows if she will but it would be pretty radical if she did)....I want a life of Renaissance.......
LEGS was really excited about the possibility, he said that he wished they would still pick me.......I could tell he was bummed out. He said:
LEGS: 'What amazes me about you...why you are such a spark, and not a self made star already is because you would rather follow me around and take good care of me in exchange for unconditional love.....he started to choke up and so did I.....LEGS just wrote his 4 year wedding anniversary vows.
I sat there and thought about high school, college, all the jobs that I have had......I have never been the popular girl, or the one with a lot of friends.....all of this started when I met LEGS. He makes me a better person, and the reason that I follow him around and take care of him is because he gives me the security to be who I really am, the mean time, he is showing me the world.......just this week I went through 11 states in the U.S. In a few short months, I will be in NEVER NEVER LAND......
Random Thoughts:
I tooted twice today. They were pretty fruity. Karmella just laid in my lap and endured it wrong I find this pretty damn funny?
Even though its not my family, it feels good to be around family.....
I am so glad to be out of the car......the last 100 miles of the trip were the most worst, horrible, agonizing miles of my life......
LEGS and I drove 2700 miles, in the worst road conditions ever, through 11 states, with 3 dogs, 2 duffle bags, 3 dog kennels, an undisclosed number of guns, 2 computers, 1 knitting bag, my purse, a cooler, and a bunch of other random other sh*t........we MADE IT!!! What an adventure!!!
George is really glad the trip is over and so am I.....
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.....**
Today the coolest thing ever happened to me.....(but we will get to that in a second)........
As for my daily weather report: Its soggy, but semi-dry in Portland, Oregon.....would you expect anything else?
We got up earlyish....I finally had to put my foot down with LEGS last night. I was not going to get up super early and show up to his family's house tired, cranky and ticked off. We were going to be normal for a night.(And by normal I mean in a hotel room with three dogs)
Three days in the car was really getting to me, I was feeling horrible for the dogs, I had cankels, and I was starting to feel like I was losing touch with reality. I demanded that we relax, and get up at a more reasonable his resistance to this idea I balked and told him he could leave me in Boise, Idaho......
I did get my way but it wasn't as easy as it should be......This morning we woke up at a more human time of 630am. We had a nice breakfast at the hotel.....Got the dogs loaded up and headed out. In the car LEGS and I decided that we wanted a 'do-over' of our anniversary, which is sometimes necessary in marriages, so today was actually going to be the day of our anniversary.
The GPS lady that tells you where to go, we call her 'B*tc*in' Bette' (that is what pilots call the automated voice that gives them commands in the cockpit) she sounds like she is constipated, when she says 're-calculating', this is said when you get off course to go get gas or sounds like 'Re- CAAALLLLL-culating' you get it? Totally weird....
We saw this little Toyota truck driving today. It was holding up a bunch of traffic because it wouldn't pass the plow truck. When we passed it was this Lisa Loeb looking chick with glasses....and we totally mean mugged her as we passed her the first time.....
We couldn't figure out why she was so afraid to drive- yes...the road conditions were really bad....but sometimes driving slower is worse.....we decided she was probably driving a two wheel drive vehicle...we stopped to get gas, and passed her again along the way, sure enough in my side mirror I watched the poor girl spin right into the ditch.....I wish we could have backed up and helped her but it was really dangerous to do I feel really bad.....
Okay so about the coolest thing that has ever happened to me......
When I was in high school, I was voted 'most likely to be on MTV's Real World' of course I was shocked and honored, that show was like the best show on television back I was contacted by a show on MTV.....
I fell asleep in the car. When I woke up, LEGS said 'Somebody called you...' Sleepily I looked at my phone and saw NY, USA. I figured it was a relative of mine in I called the number. It turns out its this super awesome chick named Cheryl.
Cheryl: 'Hi, I am Cheryl and I am with a show called 'World of Jenks' are you familiar with it?'
ARMS: All pistons are not firing in my brain yet due to just waking up out of a coma- as I am struggling to get with it.....I start racking my brain, man it sounds familiar, I don't want to disappoint her by not knowing....'Uh, I think I have heard of it...' NICE......I sound like an idiot!
Cheryl: 'Its a documentary show, where we follow somebody for a few weeks...and tell a story about their life. We came across your name because we want to do a show on female boxers and want to do a show on you...would you be interested in that?'
ARMS: Okay in my mind I am in this for real? ' Uh....I am not really actively boxing right now, I am getting ready to move to GERMANY with my husband, but I can give you a few names of some girls that I think would do an amazing job representing female boxing, but can I call you back after I have thought about it?'
Cheryl:' Sure, yeah that would be great.'
I called her back and basically told her I had a serious falling out with my last Coach, which is why I am not training at this time, due to the fact that once you reach this level you can't just train with anybody.
I told her that my last Coach was a great Trainer, but I had a severe falling out with him on a personal level. She confirmed that when she spoke to him some of the things he said were not making this point I don't need to bog down my blog with somebody that I no longer associate with for various reasons, although, I cannot take away the fact that he was an excellent trainer and I learned many things from him.
I gave her the names of some dynamic female boxers I know, whom I intend on giving a heads up to, and we had an amazing conversation....
She told me the reason that they wanted to do a story on me was because of the military wife dynamic, and that she was really bummed out that I was moving to GERMANY, because I sound like a real spark....
At first I was a little bummed out too, for only like a minute, I am always shocked that they would want to do a story on me, and of course I would be thrilled.....and I told Cheryl if they ever did a story on a military wife, I would be grateful to represent that world.
Boxing is an amazing sport, and I love it. I fully intend on boxing in GERMANY and getting some international experience, it has brought me an extreme amount of notoriety, and has allowed me some opportunities and experiences that are once in a lifetime.
But......I have so many things I want to try and do with my life.....I want to be an Archer, a Ninja, I want to design and make my own clothes and purses, writing a blog for a living would be cool (Cheryl did say she would follow my blog....who knows if she will but it would be pretty radical if she did)....I want a life of Renaissance.......
LEGS was really excited about the possibility, he said that he wished they would still pick me.......I could tell he was bummed out. He said:
LEGS: 'What amazes me about you...why you are such a spark, and not a self made star already is because you would rather follow me around and take good care of me in exchange for unconditional love.....he started to choke up and so did I.....LEGS just wrote his 4 year wedding anniversary vows.
I sat there and thought about high school, college, all the jobs that I have had......I have never been the popular girl, or the one with a lot of friends.....all of this started when I met LEGS. He makes me a better person, and the reason that I follow him around and take care of him is because he gives me the security to be who I really am, the mean time, he is showing me the world.......just this week I went through 11 states in the U.S. In a few short months, I will be in NEVER NEVER LAND......
Random Thoughts:
I tooted twice today. They were pretty fruity. Karmella just laid in my lap and endured it wrong I find this pretty damn funny?
Even though its not my family, it feels good to be around family.....
I am so glad to be out of the car......the last 100 miles of the trip were the most worst, horrible, agonizing miles of my life......
LEGS and I drove 2700 miles, in the worst road conditions ever, through 11 states, with 3 dogs, 2 duffle bags, 3 dog kennels, an undisclosed number of guns, 2 computers, 1 knitting bag, my purse, a cooler, and a bunch of other random other sh*t........we MADE IT!!! What an adventure!!!
George is really glad the trip is over and so am I.....
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.....**
The Anniversary from HELL...**
We meet again Blog:
This morning LEGS woke me up at 3am. I stayed up with LongShanks and the boyfriend that's in a band until midnight. So needless to say LEGS took the first 'LEG' of driving and THANK GOD for that. We got into Wyoming and experienced the worst road conditions either of us have ever seen. (this coming from two people that have spent years driving in Alaska road conditions.)
The road was sheer ice, the wind was so forceful it was blowing the TANK almost OFF the road, and it was snowing so hard so we couldn't see anything in front of us. We are so crazy, wild and bold that we were the only 'normal' people on the road with the semi's which actually means we are 'insane' people because all the normal people knew better. LEGS was seriously stressed out and he is an APACHE was so bad they closed the highway down right behind us.....
A few times we got stuck on the highway....and once I had to have LEGS hold up a blanket while I went on the side of the road.....I was there for so long my legs started to burn and I had to hold on the the door handle, then we both started to giggle so badly I almost lost it and ended up in my own puddle....
It was supposed to be our Anniversary and so far we weren't off to a very good start. All I could think that we were going to end up in the ditch, starving to death and nobody we even know we were there....or those poor souls that get stuck on highways for some obscene amount of time.....LEGS said in his mind he thought he was going to kill his whole family in a wreck on some highway in Wyoming....
I have a new respect for truckers though, they are out there in all kinds of weather, dealing with a**hole drivers like myself, delivering all kinds of goods that we purchase- so next time, let the guy in, and give him a break.....
It was a hard long day of driving....we stopped to get dinner and get gas while I was feeding/watering the dogs.....LEGS got mad at us because we were taking so long. We started to argue in Boise, Idaho in a Fred Meyer parking light in the dark of night....I looked at him he was exhausted, and checked into my own body.....we were both so tired, so cranky, and fatigued even though we were so close to Oregon it was time to call it a night.
We checked into a hotel, ordered a pizza and cheesy sticks (because they were necessary), we took a hot shower, kissed and made up, and fell asleep to the Disney Channel....
Karmella woke us at 2:45 am and I have never been so happy.....we were able to see the was our Anniversary, and as I looked up at the eclipsed moon all the cosmos were lined up in the world...and I am where I want to be......
Random Thoughts:
LEGS looked over at my feet today and said "Oh My God! You got Canckles!" Well yeah I have been sitting in the car for three days....
LongShanks and the boyfriend that is in a band, have the best sheets on their guest bed- they are available at Bed Bath & Beyond and made from Eucalyptus leaves....Get them they are a dream to sleep on.....
Also, she put Dumb Blonde Shampoo and Conditioner in the guest bathroom as well......your the bomb diggity shocka locka boom boom LongShanks...
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.....**
This morning LEGS woke me up at 3am. I stayed up with LongShanks and the boyfriend that's in a band until midnight. So needless to say LEGS took the first 'LEG' of driving and THANK GOD for that. We got into Wyoming and experienced the worst road conditions either of us have ever seen. (this coming from two people that have spent years driving in Alaska road conditions.)
The road was sheer ice, the wind was so forceful it was blowing the TANK almost OFF the road, and it was snowing so hard so we couldn't see anything in front of us. We are so crazy, wild and bold that we were the only 'normal' people on the road with the semi's which actually means we are 'insane' people because all the normal people knew better. LEGS was seriously stressed out and he is an APACHE was so bad they closed the highway down right behind us.....
A few times we got stuck on the highway....and once I had to have LEGS hold up a blanket while I went on the side of the road.....I was there for so long my legs started to burn and I had to hold on the the door handle, then we both started to giggle so badly I almost lost it and ended up in my own puddle....
It was supposed to be our Anniversary and so far we weren't off to a very good start. All I could think that we were going to end up in the ditch, starving to death and nobody we even know we were there....or those poor souls that get stuck on highways for some obscene amount of time.....LEGS said in his mind he thought he was going to kill his whole family in a wreck on some highway in Wyoming....
I have a new respect for truckers though, they are out there in all kinds of weather, dealing with a**hole drivers like myself, delivering all kinds of goods that we purchase- so next time, let the guy in, and give him a break.....
It was a hard long day of driving....we stopped to get dinner and get gas while I was feeding/watering the dogs.....LEGS got mad at us because we were taking so long. We started to argue in Boise, Idaho in a Fred Meyer parking light in the dark of night....I looked at him he was exhausted, and checked into my own body.....we were both so tired, so cranky, and fatigued even though we were so close to Oregon it was time to call it a night.
We checked into a hotel, ordered a pizza and cheesy sticks (because they were necessary), we took a hot shower, kissed and made up, and fell asleep to the Disney Channel....
Karmella woke us at 2:45 am and I have never been so happy.....we were able to see the was our Anniversary, and as I looked up at the eclipsed moon all the cosmos were lined up in the world...and I am where I want to be......
Random Thoughts:
LEGS looked over at my feet today and said "Oh My God! You got Canckles!" Well yeah I have been sitting in the car for three days....
LongShanks and the boyfriend that is in a band, have the best sheets on their guest bed- they are available at Bed Bath & Beyond and made from Eucalyptus leaves....Get them they are a dream to sleep on.....
Also, she put Dumb Blonde Shampoo and Conditioner in the guest bathroom as well......your the bomb diggity shocka locka boom boom LongShanks...
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.....**
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