My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bad Bad Mood.....**

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the rooster is crowing........and crowing.......and it won't stop.....I don't know why.......I am not sure what it is.....I cannot quite pin point what made me this way, but I am in a bad bad mood....

Here is the conversation between my brain and me.......

ARMS (in a overly happy, jovial, high pitched voice): 'Its the weekend, the sun is shining, you don't even like being in a bad mood, so you should be in a good mood........'
The Brain(in a sad, dark, low pitched grunt): are in a bad mood......
ARMS: 'So, I want to be like I like to be, laughing and smiling......'
The Brain: But......your in a bad mood.....
ARMS: 'What? Huh? That doesn't even make sense, I want to be in a good mood and have fun today...'
The Brain: Well....sorry we are closed up for shop.....(matter of a fact like)
ARMS: 'No....I want to return my bad mood and exchange it for a good mood...???'
The Brain: No-can-duty.......
ARMS: 'But I don't understand...???..'(as the panic sets in)
The Brain: Well that makes sense you were never that bright......
ARMS: 'For the love of GOD!!! I want to be happy, I want to smile....'(crying in hysterics)
The Brain: Oh.....cheese and rice.......(SMH)

So I decide to avoid people...........

ARMS: ' if I can just......Oh God here comes LEGS.....HURRY!!! RUN!!! HIDE!!!!'
The Brain: Bawhahahahaha!!!!
ARMS: 'Phew!' (wiping my brow of sweat)
The Brain: Just embrace the darkness........
ARMS: 'I don't want to, I want to write my blog and talk to people.......'
The Brain: Too bad......
ARMS: 'Oh its unavoidable.....its hopeless.......'
The Brain: Damn straight now fight with LEGS.....

LEGS and I have a fight, the entire time I am thinking this is stupid, I don't even know why we are fighting........we both cross our arms and dig in for an evening of silence and pouting.....He goes into the Theater room and I get on the computer in my blog room......

(Side Note: I love my Mommy, but don't you hate it when you start doing things that you don't particularly want to do that are just like her?)

The Brain: Your just like your mother......
ARMS: 'Not like my mother!?!'
The Brain:Yep just like her!
ARMS: (Horrified) 'No!!!!'

So I went to bed on a Saturday night at 7:40pm...all in the name of being UNLIKE my mother......(Mommy- I know your reading this and I love you....)

Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife..........**

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