BLOG! My long lost friend:
This morning we woke up at 4am- which has been killing me because I get my best sleep between 4am-7am....
The Moon looked crazy. It was like a dallop of margarine in the sky, it looked like an accordion with the way the clouds lay over it, I was convinced it was a fake moon, put in the sky much like a movie set.....
I took the first shift of driving, and sure enough we hit a long and super curvy road on an Indian Reservation. LEGS said 'Let's not break any laws while were are on here.' I started thinking 'Oh yeah that was first on my list, break some laws on an Indian Reservation with a bunch of guns in our car.'
We also hit some deep, dense fog, which freaked me out because I felt the need to get off the Indian Reservation as soon as possible.....and I had to slow way down just to see two feet in front of me.....since we were in Oklahoma I kept thinking we were going to bump into a cow any second....I was also a little spooked because I know the Indians have different beliefs about death and ghosts....this did not calm my imagination in the thick foggy drive....
We also saw a sign that said "Hitchhikers may be escaping incarceration!" Okay....I have seen enough of the old Indian Res- time to get the hell outta here!!!
LEGS argued with me about Coffee this morning. Huh????? I know right???? I wanted to have some in the hotel room, but he wanted to get some on the go, the first place we went to, didn't have any, so I got upset at him for not letting me have some in the hotel room in the first place.......
NO COFFEE: Grumpy Driver.
After driving for awhile I said I need to stop to go to the bathroom. It was 21 degrees out which I haven't felt in awhile. LEGS had mercy on me and switched for driving. I promptly fell asleep and when I woke up I had to pee again. He looked at me like I wasn't serious, but I was, I really had to pee......Then he says 'Look at my water and look at yours....' I looked down at the water, clearly he had drank more than me....fixated on the water I started to feel guilty....
Then.....I started to think and said 'What do you want me to the NASA lady? And where a diaper???' Oh, I know I could just hang my a** out the window in crazy, religious, God fearing, God loving country...?'
Don't you hate when people camp out in your blind spot? Like Duh! That is very unsophisticated driving...
Can you believe my LEGS humiliated my poor baby girl this way?
Damn it feels good to be a Gangster......
Karmella 'liking' me more than LEGS.....
I saw the Marlboro Man at a gas station this morning...
Sex sells even in the land of Churches....Gentleman's Clubs, Adult Novelty Stores.....are every where. What is not readily available are gas stations, and fast food don't run low on gas...or need the rest room, or need food while in Kansas.
Random Thoughts:
Karmella tried to attack a brat kid through the window at a gas station. She also fights her own reflection....
When we entered Colorado, first it looked just like Kansas and second, it smells bad. For awhile we thought one of the dogs had an accident in the car. Turns out it's the cattle farms in Greeley...
LongShanks and her Boyfriend, he's in a band.......have been kind and crazy enough to house our controlled chaos- The Grinch (LEGS), ARMS and Three Dogs is a pretty major commitment. Karmella has already pooped in their house. They have attended to your every need, treated us to great food, great wine, great company and for that we are in debt for the same in Germany! .*D
Meet our new friend Lenny. He is Jena's guardian angel, he was hit by a car in September and almost died.....he's a miracle and we love him....
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.......**
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife......**
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