TANK GIRLS WEATHER REPORT: It snowed today in Lower Alabama (LA). Right after it started I watched 15 cars high-tailing it out of the subdivision, no doubt, the locals running to Walmart to stock up on survival supplies. Every time it snows the people down here lose their damn minds!!!
Even late yesterday my finger was no better.....it would just start gushing blood everywhere......So I had to have 'Dr. Coussens' superglue it last night because I am afraid I might need a stitch.........The cut is located on the middle knuckle of my middle finger. So he puts the superglue on and tells me to keep my hand still, I start thinking to myself am I going to be able to bend my finger? So I start to bend it....
LEGS: 'Don't bend it!!!'
ARMS: 'Well, what do you want me to do run around flipping the bird to everyone!?!'
This morning I ran out of the house to go to a early yoga session. I hung out at the gym and chatted it up with my yoga instructor. I realized that I wasn't going to make it home in time to give LEGS a kiss goodbye and he is flying today .*( As I was pulling into our neighborhood I saw his car. So we both stopped I hopped out of the TANK, he rolled down the window with his lips already puckered, and I got my kiss!!! .*D
My Pops used to always complain that my Grams had to physically touch everything in the store......he would bark at her "Stop touching everything! Nobody wants to buy food that you have had your fingers all over!!!"
I was reminded of this story when Flora's husband, 'Grumpy' said: "why must women touch everything on the shelf when they shop? its like rocket surgery..." I am not sure why, but I too, have a tactile infatuation, I feel the need to touch, handle, grope, molest, and rub almost every item I purchase...
I have also noticed my desire to touch people has increased...(get your mind out of the gutter) like I feel the need to handle people as well by touching their arm, slapping them on the back, hugging everybody....Where does that come from? I wonder if it is part of the decline.....since we are losing our sight we eventually start touching everything early so that when we are old...we have the experience...yes? no?
One time we were in a bar, and LEGS is so tall its usually not hard to tell which one he is even in your peripheral vision......Next thing I knew I was touching another wife's husband.....WHOOPSY : /
I love my Pops to death, but every time I call him, he tells the same stories over and over and over again.....I feel bad because he always says ' Are you there? ' Like maybe we got disconnected.....Its just I have no other responses for him.....I have creatively replied to each and every story 20 different ways, so I am literally at a loss for words.
Grams and I were discussing how hard it is to shop for Christmas when everybody is getting older- because what do you get people that already have everything? That is one reason I love my Pops, he is the one man in the world that is easy to shop for, you could get him junk and he would be thrilled!
Random thoughts:
Do you ever find yourself eating something while standing in front of your pantry, its usually bad for you.....suddenly you realize that you have probably been mindlessly eating and daydreaming in your own world for the last 20 minutes?
This number game on facebook is STUPID.
Have you ever been given a book, and you really want to read it out of respect for the person that recommended it, it should be something you find interesting but every time you open it up you find yourself rolling your eyes and wanting to have a book burning in your front yard?
I love dessert, but I hate when its too rich to enjoy......
I hate when I lose ideas, because I can't remember, so I have to write it down, and then I can't decipher what I meant when I wrote it.....
When I run, and the Helicopters are flying over head, I get so motivated that I run faster, and I just hope those guys know.....THEY ARE THE BOMB DIGGITY SHOCKA LOCKA BOOM BOOM!!!!
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.....**
Pop tarts, cheese and crackers (with the red stick), and my kids fruit chewies in front of the pantry...yep