My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Be the change...**

Hiya Blog!

Weather Logbook: Wind, Thunder, Lightening, Sun and Humidity!

Exchange Rate: Same
Have you ever cleaned half your house and then you don't want to clean the rest of it so you procrastinate while the vacuum is sprawled all over the floor, the cleaning supplies are strewn all over, the rubber gloves are your company on the couch and you keep checking facebook over and over again to see if anything changed???**

When we arrived in NEVER NEVER LAND, there was a character that made an appearance in our lives, because it was OBVIOUS he's a bit of a PIMP, I nicknamed him The Hef.  

The Hef is one of those cool people that you meet every once in a while that you can talk to all night about everything.  He's carasmatic, adventurous, smart, and conversational.  He's the ultimate bachelor looking for soul mate and breaking many hearts along the way.

He lent us one of his cars when we first moved here so that we could get around and work on getting settled, as a grand gesture of thanks we had him over for dinner.

It was our first time, in our new house, making dinner in our new kitchen for a new friend.  We spent hours chatting, eating, and for the first time I really felt at home and complete here in NEVER NEVER LAND. 

Today I decided to hop on LEGS' mountain bike and bicycle 22 kilometers on steep and winding European roads from Oberdachstetten (where I live) to Illeshiem, where the post is.......

I got a late start, but I did it in just under 2 hours.  I have no shame in my game, I had to get off the bike 3 times and walk up the hill.  But once was because I took a break and couldn't get back on the bike due to the steep incline.  My legs now feel like JELLO, and I think I might be addicted.....

It was a lot of fun, but would have been more fun with company.  I am really proud of myself because the last time I was on a bike was the pink banana seat that said 'Confetti' on it as a little girl.

It has been pretty tough here in NEVER NEVER LAND to navigate through some social landmines these past few days.  Its really bumming me out because if people would, breath, do some self-reflection, use more empathy, and really look at the issues, they would realize that its really, really, foolish.

What's worse is I have been feeling like its all my fault.  I landed here in NEVER NEVER LAND, people started reading my blog, then people started writing blogs, and unfortunately it has all gotten out of hand. 

There is a difference between saying how you feel in a mature, articulate, self-reflecting, self-debating sort of way, then unconsciously, recklessly flying off the handle, causing tension, division, and severed friendships. 

I am always conscious of how I say things, I always think of others when I post, even when I know it may be controversial.  And when others come to me and say that they their feelings are hurt, I am wide open, I listen to what they say, and always put myself in a humble position.  I even post in my blog, all of my mistakes, and re-address issues that were outlined.

I have thought long and hard about even saying any of this in my blog at all.  I want my blog to be a happy positive place, and I fear that this is making it everything I want to avoid....however...........if I really am going to change the world one person at a time, it is necessary to say things that are scary.

It would be wrong of me to say nothing.  It would be wrong of me to take sides.  It would be wrong of me to exclude myself from helping somebody be a better person.  The Universal Power puts people in your life for a reason, they may be different, they may be difficult, they may be rough around the edges, and they may not know how to do things with as much finesse as others.....

But that doesn't mean they should be avoided, written off or alienated.  Instead everybody should rally around them, and help them grow into the beautiful person that we all know is in there.  

I don't know....maybe this is all a pipe dream, maybe we can't all get along always, perhaps I am too Utopian in my thought processes....but when people say that life is hard, I always want to ask them, compared to what?  Change is uncomfortable, learning is difficult, but the idea that we can't change, that its too hard and too difficult is a cop out to me.

We can all learn from each other, we call all grow together, ALL it takes is self reflection and compassion.  And if your not willing to change, and not willing to grow, then.....what a sad, lonely, little life you will lead......

'Be the change you wish to see in the world.' -Ghandi

The change I wish to see, is Utopian in nature.  I love people.  They all have something they can teach me, and I am always hoping that I have something I can teach them.  Every single day, I wake up and I think about; how grateful I am for this day, and I challenge myself to make the world better, even if its as mediocre as improving my self.

Today....although I didn't realize it.....I was charged with uniting people.  Not sure if this blog will be enough to accomplish it, but saying the scary things with all the positive hope and desire I could possibly have.....

My wish is that you will come up with something, something that bothers you in this world, and starting today you will be the change, the change you wish to see in the world.......

Guilty Pleasures:

I have been an angel the last two days.... 

ARMS' Mailbox:

Nobody loves me......

Random Thoughts:

I can't believe LongShanks and the BF in a band are going to be here in just a few days.

Have you ever felt like you made your point, but you kinda made it too much?  And then you know that they know that you know that you were referring to them??? Man I hate it when that happens.

LEGS has been really affectionate today, my favorite thing is curling up in his arms and telling him how much I love him, while he plays with my hair and tells me how much he loves me.....

Don't you hate it when you leave technology (i.e. email, facebook, blogs, etc.) for just a few hours to live in real life, and then a whole bunch of stuff happens, but because you are recovering from the reality of real life you continue your vacation from technology, and then by the time you figure out what went down you feel like you were gone for a year, everything has changed, and you made an ass out of yourself because you were completely out of the loop?

I know my life is good because even when I dream, I dream about my life.....

Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

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