My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

....hope is in the stars....**

Beloved LEGS....

....finally....I finished the book about Van Gogh.  While the rumors and his strange behavior have painted a sort of odd picture of him as a man, I found him to be, and his life to be very enthralling.  He was a dichotomous man, on one hand a very hard working, dedicated, to the point of obsessed, meticulous and stubborn, on the other, a complaining manipulator who often played the victim.  Who does that sound like?

....I  both shudder and rejoice to think that him and I are very much cut from the same cloth.  He was incredibly driven....he would stay up late and get up early to pursue his passion, depriving himself of sleep, food, and basic needs.  He once said "I am a fanatic.  I feel a power within me....a fire that I may not quench but must keep ablaze." He spent six months of his life looking for the blackest black.  

I cannot describe this feeling that I have inside myself, and at times it is very hard to hold on to it and cope with it day in and day out.  It is a fire, that consumes me, burns me, and often burns others.  Yet I feel this bizarre need to protect it and to keep it alive.  And sometimes I feel like people want to steal it from me, or feed off of it. so hard to control.  

In his letters to his brother, he would say things that made me feel as if he was reading a excerpt from my very own brain. 

"I am going in a definite direction, and I want  others to go along with me! Those who are not serious at heart....often have something disagreeable about them.  I am often terribly melancholy, irritable, hungering and thirsting, as it were, for sympathy; when I do not get it, I try to act indifferently, speak sharply and often even pour oil on the fire."

While....I would say that I do not thirst and hunger for sympathy.....I certainly do for empathy, and when I do not receive that compassion and understanding.....I want to completely eliminate people from my life.   He wrote....."I never mingled with humans without feeling less human."  How many times have I written you or said to you how alone I feel in this world!?!

I could not help but think he was not a tortured soul in the way that every one thinks....he was heartbroken much of the time, and like me, seemed to feel that the worlds beauty was at times too much to bare.  "We must live on until our hearts break within us."

He had a fighting spirit.  He said "it is better to provoke a blow, even if it is a hard blow, than to be indebted to the world for sparing you."  To feed off adversity and to know that....I can survive the hardest most difficult things, brings me the grandest satisfaction.  I want what is pure, I want what is real, even if it is pain and suffering. 

But the most brilliant parallel was his infatuation with the stars and the night sky.  

"I often think the night is more alive and richly colored than they day."  

Especially when you are away, I find myself getting up in the night, to view the sky.  I look out the window, or even stand on the front porch admiring the beautiful miraculous nightly vision.  And the stars.....the stars always bring me a noble comfort. 

"The stars were a promise to make light out of darkness and out of problems, good things."

I know that I have purchased and named one star for you, but I think I want to buy you more......  

Perhaps.....that is the source of my comfort.....I know, that if something happens to one of us....we will know where the other is.....and at the end of this life....we shall live eternally on your very own star.  

"To look at the stars always makes me dream, hope is in the stars, but lets not forget that earth is a planet too, and consequently a star. " 

Sun, Moon, Stars by LEGS

....and maybe.....our lives, much like Van Gogh's will be eternal as well.....maybe our love....will leave a permanent impression, a beautiful picture that will live on forever.....**

....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

Thursday, June 26, 2014

...the rebel in me....**

Beloved LEGS...

...three weeks.....three weeks since you left and I am not sure how its possible but I have accepted your absence. These last few days....I don't know why or what but I have awoken with a sunnier disposition.  I've fallen into this manageable and healthy routine of sleeping pretty well and eating pretty well....I go about my controlled regimented day and so long as I can control most of what happens I feel pretty well too.

...It could be that I have been insanely busy.  It helps when I am productive all the minutes of the day....I don't have time to lay in morose...or endure the insane silence.....or miss you.....and when I have needed help my real true friends have been there to rescue me.....

....I read this was 28 things happy couples do for each other every day.  I shouldn't have read it.  It made me think how low my standards become when you are away.  Many of the things on the list were next to impossible with the distance. 

I am happy to just know that you are alive with one single thumbs up on facebook or a pin on pinterest.  They should make one specific to military couples....don't you agree?  What a world of difference that would be.   

....that being said.  I had the thought that we won't even be the same people or the same couple, and we won't have the same marriage when you return because....we never do.  But you know what?  I am really excited about the reinvention.  A type of renaissance....a rebirth if you will.  

How cool is that?  How many people do we know that are living in the same rut day in and day out- and we are lucky enough to be able to start completely over.  If we wanted.....we could completely change.  So many would I change myself?  How would you change yourself?  What would we change in our marriage or as a couple?  Or would we change anything at all?

I feel a weird sense of guilt sometimes....that if I am not sad that you are away, it makes me a bad wife.  That.....if I cope positively with your absence.....the distance between us grows bigger and bigger....that if I accept your absence, I sort of give you away.....I let go of you....and change who I was with you....but to make myself feel better......

I have this silly little fantasy I have been entertaining these last few days......that we could, if we wanted, start back at the know pretend that we don't know each other....because we really won't by the end of this, start dating would be this awfully romantic adventure....except we will already know the ending.....because....true love always finds its way to where it belongs....

I know all of this is a silly foolish little day dream....but it gives me this magnetic hope for our future, it makes me excited about enduring this absence about improving myself to be the type of woman you deserve.  And it makes me feel alive......holding on to the sadness is like dying a slow painful death......

....the rebel in me....despite her weariness.....still has a beating heart in her chest, and though her face is dirty, her eyes no longer sparkle, and the confidence she has inside herself is still a fighter.....

....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

Monday, June 23, 2014

....will I crater....**

Beloved LEGS...


....I missed a day or two of writing....but I honestly had nothing to write about.....besides my extraordinary gloominess.....

....I  hibernated the entire weekend......I had to leave the house TWICE....and both times I had hoped that this firm disheartening melancholy would.....GO AWAY.....and instead....I found myself deeper in..... my defense I needed rest....because I find myself scheduling every single second of every single day just so I don't slow down enough to think of you and to miss you.....sometimes....I feel like....its the right thing to feel sad and to miss just....feel my feelings.....

....I some times think every one thinks my life is so glamorous, I am jet setting from one country to another, and then from one coast to the next.  I get to see my family, my trainers, my friends, your family, and compete on a world level.  It and exciting. 

....but.....I am stressing out.  I am worried about keeping my weight, keeping my fitness, packing for a month long journey with several stops, boxing training, and a world boxing tournament.  Not to mention being everything to every one....and what I mean by that is living, working, talking, cooking, and loving all the family members I am about to be around.....

And your not here.  I think this will be the first big tournament I have done without you.  And I am scared.  

I have absolutely NO ONE....that I can talk to, that is going to understand what I am dealing with....because for every one.....and any one who would remotely understand....I have to put it on....

Its all enough to cause a lump in my throat as I write this....

I do not regret the path I have chosen, nor will I crater under the pressure of the commitments I have made.....I know....that everything I need to do this I have within me....

...I just wish....that I didn't feel so atypical so often..... 

...Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

Saturday, June 21, 2014

....I know why.....**

Beloved LEGS....

...I was thinking....which seems to happen a lot more when your away.....I can't seem to occupy my mind enough to banish all these pesky inquisitions.....

I question how many people in the world know how to TRULY wait for something....?

Patience is not one of my strong points, though I tell myself to work on it every day.  At boxing I tell myself to be patient with the others, and myself, with patience I learn and perform better.  With Karmella I tell myself to let her be a dog even though she has to sniff every single god forsaken inch of land we cover in our daily walks.....I tell myself to be patient with people and my family, that every single person has a certain battle taking place in their lives and is working on filling that hole that seems to be present in all of us.....

....And with you....every single day for many many moments I daydream and think about you....disappearing into myself....and recreating our world......when I come back from these little breaks....I miss you more...and realize this is what waiting patience......

....its work to constantly  quiet my crazy mind when I think up grand schemes and plans that are completely insane in order to see you. Accepting the reality that I will not see you for a very long long time, is a consistent back and forth battle, a wax and wane of patience and denial.....

....the question that every one, EVERY ONE asks is HOW I DO IT?  

Usually I am flattered because....the question implies there is doubt in their own ability to manage this task, but it also inflates my own strength.  They simply cannot believe that I would do it, that I do do it.

This question when really pondered upon....opens up an extreme amount of wonderment.  How many people do things, on a daily basis, that they did not think they could do?  How many people do something on a daily basis that is harder than they could have ever many people know how to WAIT?  

And is waiting for...LOVE.  So far removed from modern day.....that one could possibly argue REAL. TRUE. PURE. LOVE....does not exist.....?

....our world has become so advanced, food only a store or restaurant away, a photograph a snap away, the whole world at our finger tips, communication so widely accessible, anything we could possibly want can be ordered and shipped to our doorsteps....the entire world can be traveled to.....waiting for something it seems has become a thing of the past.....and if we must wait....its only a short period of time.....

....its made me think that waiting is a dying skill....and we are dying breed......

The best answer I have come up with is that I do not know how I do this.  

Some days....every single minute, every single second is so painful and filled with a longing so deep in my bones I can't fathom going on waiting.....I get so restless, and anxious.....that I can't quiet my soul or even disappear in my turns to frustration....I wander around the house looking out the the the night....through out the day....taking shallow and deep breaths....and wondering if the next minute is going to be my demise....

....all I can say to answer this question is.....I don't know how I do it.  

BUT I DO KNOW....WHY......

....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

Friday, June 20, 2014


Beloved LEGS....

....I had to delete someone from my life today.........And I am really blue about it.  

My policy is never to delete, so you know it was pretty bad....... was one of those situations where there was a misunderstanding and no contact made for months.  I saved hope that perhaps after some time had passed their could be a friendship rekindled...certainly, the friendship that was forged and built could be kept no matter the time and distance......I took a chance and reached out with some humor......shortly after I was antagonized by a third party....

....I found myself so angry my heart was beating in my ears, I felt vulnerable and actually a little afraid for my safety...and then decided it was best to eliminate these kinds of feelings  and worries due to my current circumstances with you being the cost of losing a part of my life that I held in high regard.....

....I do not believe in generalizing a group of people, nor listening to....what the masses say....I prefer to always be accepting, open, and friendly- FRIENDLY- not just nice- to ALL people.   That if you put good out you will get good back.....

....this whole situation has disenchanted me.....

....its made me think I was wrong.  That maybe the reputation of different cultures should be heeded....I feel like I was.....used and tossed away......which has led me to feel like I lost a special frustrating to believe that all people are beautiful, and deserve a chance.....only to be proven wrong by several.....

....I feel embittered that I trusted, shared and opened myself....that I believed in the friendship....a fool who is....laughed at, whispered about, and ridiculed....with no one to defend me...whats even worse is I let it keep me from living out loud and made me question the light I have within me.....

....a disappointing exploration ended with a stiff proclamation to RETURN HOME....and instead of feeling enriched, cultured, and worldly, I feel dirty....and merciless.....

....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

Thursday, June 19, 2014

...surrending the middle...**

Beloved LEGS....

....The words exchanged between us haunt me now and then..... wrote....that you wake up in the morning and go to bed in the evening loving me....and what happens in the middle matters not.....I do not mean to disagree with you my cherished.....while I know the sentiment intended was pure love, and to abscond me from poor behavior......
but your words have been an aching thought that I cannot dismiss...... our lives there are many, many beginnings....we begin new chapters often....especially in the military. New schools, new places, new responsibilities, new houses, new friends.  And then there are the endings........We move or the people we have built our lives around move, being gypsies for months at a time, saying goodbye to all the places, and people leaving parts of our hearts behind.....

....I was reflecting on our lives these past few years.....and it occurred to me.....that with these deployments.....we surrender the middle......

...and we do it daily.  We track the time before you must leave and how long before you return, and our lives revolve around these deadlines.  How much time has passed since I last heard from you, how many hours you work, or how many flight hours you obtained.....I even made the foolish mistake of asking you what day/days you get off while you are deployed....only to receive a sour reply of "NONE". is said that beginnings are scary, endings are sad and what happens in the middle is the most important part.  For us its normal for our beginnings to be daunting, and our endings to be happy.  And we forfeit the middle....

.....what happens during the middle of those times, is so unfathomable, scary, dark, cold, dangerous, depressing, numbing, and paralyzing in every way possible....its as if we live in a catatonic state until we arrive at the end.....

...LEGS.....I want the middle.....can't the world calm down enough so we can have a middle?  

....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

....of a saint....**

Beloved LEGS....

....a sadness has settled in on my spirit today....I feel so tired.....even the air feels heavy....and my heart is barely beating...but it still beats for you....I made it like night in the house....pulling down all the shutters and turning on the lights....and closing myself away from the world.....I do not wish to see the sun....or hear the laughter of others.....

....sometimes I think....what are they so f*cking happy about?  Seriously what!?! I know....its bitter and ugly to think this way....but the truth is.....I am happy that after all we have been through....I feel anything at all.....its enough.....its been enough to kill all the charity and compassion I have in my heart for anything......

Don't you agree?....if there is any happiness to be had....its available only in complete oblivion.....knowing not of reality....or the world.....?

......the weight.....of all that must be carried crushes me....the force of it presses down on us so much....and still...despite the sadness....the longing....and this burden we carry....our love shines through.....we have our love......

....the romance......without the pain, unanswered desire and separation....I wonder if what we have would be as pure.?...I think it would not...

....the way you love

....I was a b*tch to you today.  You asked a question you were desperate to know the answer to and I could not answer it.  The frustration flooded......and out came a sharp response.  It was not without regret.  I laid in bed and tortured myself, lectured and berated myself for it.  I admitted this to you after delivering an apology.....and made the claim I don't deserve you.

And this is what you said:

"I don't think you are bad.  RELAX.  I wake up every morning loving you and go to sleep doing the same.  What happens in the middle makes no difference...."

Its a miracle.  And I don't deserve you......the forgiveness you show that of a saint...**

....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

....when words are not spoken....**

Beloved LEGS....

....I have been training really hard.  

When its been too hot, or too hard, when I can't breathe, or my muscles can't give anymore, when I mentally hit that wall.....I say your name under my breath......and I say it for every rep I complete or for every second I hold on a little longer.  At boxing I tell myself that for every perfect repetition I do, I secure our future together.  Every time I sweat, every time I bleed, every time I get stronger, and better and faster....its because of you.....its for you....and my hard work will bring you back.....

.....The team was fighting yesterday at a fest in Langenzenn.  We rolled in and rolled deep.  Even though only two of us were supposed to fight, we were the biggest group.  It gave me an opportunity to talk and play, and laugh and just enjoy the company of MY TEAM.....

....An important man from the Bavarian Boxing Club came over to me.  He is an important and respected man. He grabbed my hands, looked me square in the eye and stood very close to me.  He said (in German) "you must be very sad and irritated that your LEGS is not here.  I am sorry he is away." 

He then asked me about the World Tournament in the USA.  He told me how happy he is that I will be competing in it, and that he is working hard to complete all the paperwork on time.  He also asked if I will be competing in the German International Championship and at what weight.  

After answering all of his questions and finishing the business conversation.  He gave me a really strong hug.  It made me a persona that I hardly know is proud of me, is paying attention to me, and wants for me all the success the world has to offer, that he is rooting for us, and he understands its difficult.  I don 't know why, but I felt like.....even though I couldn't be with my Daddy on Fathers day....and I miss him....more than I could have ever imagined....that the Universe sent me someone who is able to make me feel the same way Daddy does....

....The boys on the team.....they. me and love me so strongly.  They take me in their arms, they are polite and careful and tender, courteous and protective....they feed me ;) BOTH LITERALLY and EMOTIONALLY.....when I am with them.....

...It almost feels as if you have taken me in the crook of your arm.  They hold me close and they keep me safe.  They listen.....even when words are not spoken.  They make me laugh and smile.  And every time I leave feels like.....they have given me a new coat of armor......**

.....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

Sunday, June 15, 2014

...a message from you....**

Beloved LEGS....

....its a full moon and Friday the 13th.  I guess the next time it will be a full moon on a Friday the 13th will be 2049.....while every one else is thinking about bad luck....I have you on my mind.  You were born on the 13th.  And in 35 years we will be entering our late 60's.....I hope that....we will remember.  I hope more than anything we will be together and we will remember the last time it was a full moon on Friday the 13th....I hope that we will remember the all the time we have been apart so that we cherish all the time we have together......

....its only the second week....and I am mystified that I am going to go through this for another 9 months.  All the fun, freedom and entertainment has come to a halt....and here I sit....on a Friday night....without you....

.....its finally cooled down and the wind has picked up.  The house makes strange noises and Karmella barks at every single one of I lay in bed and listen to the wind moan over the house and call out through the trees....I wonder where its going....I think to myself that if the wind is going to Afghanistan I shall like to send you a message....of love, and strength....and to tell you like the persistent heart and my body yearn for you..... phone vibrates....I lay in bed and curse myself for not putting it on silent.  I wonder if its a text message, a notification, a message, a email, a call......I debate whether or not I should roll over and see what it is.....curiosity claims its victory.....and I am so glad I did....because its a message from you:

Dearest Tiffany,

I find myself once again away from where I belong.  Away from your arms.  I forget how hard it is to be without you.  I forget the pain of separation.  When we are together it is easy to take you for granted and it brings me joy to do so. 

I see the other men missing their family's, unable to make it home for births.  I see their uneasy smiles and it breaks me.  Every time I do this I am broken.  I must walk this world as a skeleton, a mere shell until you can breathe life back into me.  

I know I have the easy job, the one that does not require patience.  I want you to know that I understand and appreciate the sacrifice you endure to be with me.  I may never repay you in full, but what I do repay  will be with unconditional love.  

My only fear is not walking through this world with you by my side.  I love you.

-BROKEN LEGS 10 Days 6 Hours 39 Minutes and 48 Seconds

I can't help but shed silent happy and sad tears alone in the truly are the hero of my save me from myself, from the world, and from death of a broken heart every single day....

.....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.......**

Saturday, June 14, 2014

....indirect fire.....**

Beloved LEGS....

.....I guess......I didn't realize that when you were issued your handy dandy left handed pistol it was without bullets.  I wonder how many days it took for you to be issued bullets? Just a curious question that I hardly want you to answer....(tongue in cheek and a wink).

....People have been asking me where in Afghanistan you are.  Mostly military people.  When I tell should see their faces.....its like they just swallowed their own vomit.  I heard that the security of the base is not very good, and that there has been a lot of male on male rapes.....sigh.....

.....I wish I felt more terrible that you had to endure my interrogation process the other day.....

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF LEGS: narrated by me.....

When you arrived, your room was very dirty and dusty with terrible broken furniture. were happy you had your mattress.  It hot there.  Because of the elevation 80 feels like 90, but luckily you have air conditioning.  The chow is comparable to the chow hall in Germany, but its no where near home made food.  By my standards the base that you are staying on is not very secure.  Also they are pretty good a firing in on you guys.

The funny story of the day was "you know its bad when all the guys that have been there awhile hit the deck while all the new guys are standing their wondering why"  Luckily the alarm letting you guys know that you are about to take indirect fire has been pretty reliable.

Do me a favor babe....even though we laughed about it- GET DOWN!  There has already been an instance where they had to black out the internet.....that was on Monday when I felt like something was wrong......You are relieved and pleased that your company of comrades is getting along well and you speak highly of the leadership.....

...You know.....if there is ever one thing that surprises me about you at times....its how generously you paint the say negative things but always follow it up with some very small token that you are thankful for.....I was thinking....about how many people who are thankful they have a good mattress to sleep on.....or food that is edible.....or....that there is a trust worthy alarm notifying them they are being attacked......

.....even though.....these reports terrify me deep down in my soul....and make my heart stop....I smile back at you, and laugh with you about it.....because for those moments we are actually connected.....for those moments.....I wish more than anything....instead of you being home......I was there with those moments....I see what you see....

....Just another day in the life of unlikely military wife....**

Friday, June 13, 2014

....finally we speak.....**

Beloved LEGS.....

...finally...after 7 days.....we speak..... sent me a message asking me to talk.....

........My heart sank.....

.......first thing in the morning and this is how my day starts?!

 I was 30 minutes from home, and walking into CrossFit.  In a flash, I was angry, frustrated and on the brink of tears.  I just want to speak with you, but I am not in a position to stop what I am doing in order for that to happen.  Then you tell me you are sick, and not flying, that someone else is flying for I feel even more desperate to find out exactly what is going on with you.....but I can't.....

....You assure me that you will be around.  Tunnel vision ensues, who knows what speed limits were broken, what people were saying to me, or what I forgot to buy at the store.....all I could think about was getting home to see your face and hear your voice.....

....before the picture became clear I heard your voice.  You sound like death.  I feel so bad that you are there and I am not there and you are so sick.....the interrogation begins, what's wrong?, did you go to the doctor? What did they say? Did they give you medicine?  What medicine did they give you? 

....imagine my frustration that you have not slept well, and all they gave you was some nasal spray.....I want to run out and buy you everything you will need to feel better, but they are stopping the mail for the elections in Afghanistan and even so.....the supplies won't reach you for a blow your nose for the 100th time in five minutes..... aggravation and anger boils....that I can do NOTHING, to better your situation.....

.....the powerlessness I feel hits me like a mack truck bouncing me back on my rear end and  I sit staring in dismay at your ill looking face, seeing your misery, thinking about what a shit hole place you are in, without basic medicine to comfort you.....and I realize that I must accept it.....I have to accept that I cannot help helpfulness is helpless.....

....Just another day in the life of unlikely military wife.....**

Thursday, June 12, 2014

....razor sharp thoughts.....**

Beloved LEGS...


The day you left terms of hard days.....pretty fucking hard.  But since then.....I have surprised myself daily.  I have awoken each day with a purpose, and my hours have been filled with numerous social events, training, and writing.....I have hardly had time to breathe......

....PURE, UNCONTAMINATED LOVE has been coming at me from all directions.  I have laughed so hard my face hurt.  And every single person I have surrounded myself with has looked at me with stars, admiration, and complete their eyes.  It feels good. 

.. but....tonight.....its emotions and thoughts had jet lag and are just now catching up.........That my life, and my mind, and my soul has quieted enough to realize....something is missing....something big.....the house is clean, and quiet.....and I think of you.... have been so busy...which pleases me a great deal....but has allowed us no time to speak.  In fact......I haven't heard from you in a pretty long while.  A razor sharp thought pierces through my brain, and I shake my head, dismissing willfully, any negative to creep in........ 

...but it hangs on.....

I try to distract myself and even think its better if I sleep than go through this compulsive thought process about your safety and well being.....about every one's safety and well being....its only 6pm....I can't sleep yet.....but I am so tired and these thoughts of you being in danger or hurt are chasing me through the house......

....I crawl in bed and start reading my book.  I practically launch out of bed when Karmella starts barking.  Again......this blinding thought that they are coming to knock on my door......I stand at the top of the stairs peering down to the door.....she is still barking and I curse at her to stop scaring me.

That's it.  I can't stand it anymore.  I get on the internet to see if anything has gone awry. 

Nothing has been reported.

Angrily, I turn out the lights and fall asleep.

......Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.....**

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

....destiny written in the stars....**

Beloved LEGS....

....I ran into a man the other day.  I was leaving the Post Office and he asked me if I box.  I told him that I do, but I don't normally tell people because.......they don't believe me.

....We spent an hour talking about boxing.  He told me that he used to box about 20 years ago.  It was one of those conversations I know you would have loved being around for.  He asked me all kinds of questions.  Where I had been, what I had done, and what my future plans were.

....As I was telling him my story from the beginning to the end about where I started, and where I am now, I could hardly believe it all myself.  With the RIGHT Coaches, the RIGHT PROGRAM, and the RIGHT DIET...and because of you.....we have come so far......

....I told him about our dream.  The Olympics.  A dream so grand....I can hardly conceptualize it myself.  How Coach Igor, Coach Molly, and Coach Rob are getting me where I need to be.  How.....because of the love these Coaches pour into me, I hope that I can do what they have taught me, I hope that I can do what they know I can do, I hope that.....I can make them both proud....and famous.....(smiles).  I hope....that I can do it.....for you.....LEGS.

...I told him about the team.  How they call me "THE SOUL OF THE TEAM"  how high of an honor that is to me, how much discipline and motivation we have as a team, how hard we work, and how these kids.....they save my spirit every, single, day.  

I told him about you.  How you research all my opponents, that your knowledge of female boxing is obsessive.  How you buy me the best gear, and you support me more than most people can fathom.  I told him how you say  female boxing is so much more exciting to watch than the boys.  I told him that what you and I have is........real. 

.....He asked me what AFN and the ARMY are doing to support me.  And his face to my response was.....enough to make me realize the gravity.  I told him that I receive absolutely no tangible support on the American side.  I feel alone at times and abandoned by my own people. 

I told him how the Germans call me The Tiger.  How they have written so many articles and covered my success. I told him how all the people in Oberdachstetten follow me, how all of Bavaria loves me and the old ladies pray in the church when I have matches.  I told him how much the Germans have invested in me as an athlete.

....I told him how sad it makes me that.....our story, the story of my trainers, the team, and you and I is the stuff out of Hollywood...but for reasons I don't understand is not being shared or attended too....

I told him our story is about fighting for everything in our lives.....freedom, happiness, meaning and life itself.....I told him....that every single person in our life plays an important role in our dream....that it takes a village to raise a fighter....and that's what we are.....we are fighters....

I told him....that I do all of it for you.....for me....and for the wives and families left behind....because our sacrifice deserves deserves meaning.....I told him that from now on.....all my fights will be in dedication to just that.....THE SACRIFICE OF THE PEOPLE WHO FIGHT.....

....I told him.....that while you are fighting....I am fighting too.....and that symbolism, that parallel, is like a destiny written in the stars.....he said....he could see......he said he could see it all....what I am about to my eyes........**

....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

Tuesday, June 10, 2014 fall....**

Beloved LEGS....

....a disorienting shift transpires....this is it.  Our eyes lock and I plead with every inch of my existence that you aren't really leaving.  I want to fall down on my knees before you and cry and beg you not to go.  Every one of us is frantically grasping and attempting to maximize...the last embrace....

....which always feels....a bit odd....because its panicked.  I want to say all these things and feel all these things and make you feel all these things but instead, I freeze.....I am paralyzed with grief and dismay......

.....And how hard it must be for all of you to tear away from us....and to know the anguish you have caused...and yet how brave, and strong, and professional you all are....and just like that you courageous, valiant men turn your backs and head to battle......

....this is the moment the sky begins to break.  Though I stand tall and mighty, and appear fearless, my chin down and my eyes forward........behind the Jackie Kennedy sunglasses are many perilous tears...the sound of children and babies crying and calling out to their Daddy's is really more than I can bare....and it begins another encore of tears....

.....before you leave, there is a ceremony...they make us wait so long for it to begin, that one of the children next to me says to her her Mom "maybe its a silent ceremony."  This sentiment shakes me and again a tear or two drops into my lap.

.....And as always.....when you go.  I find you.  And I watch you.  I don't take my eyes off you until I can't see you any more.  I think of and hope you feel all the love that I will ever have to give in my whole life upon you in these moments..... that enormous hanger....the deafening sound of hearts breaking rings out like a shot and continues to echo....the sound of a child's heart watching the sky fall.......

....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife....**

Saturday, June 7, 2014

....not even a fighting chance.....**

Beloved LEGS...

...we are in the final hours.  The last hours I will share the same geographical, physical, emotional, and mental space with you is quickly diminishing.....I feel so powerless, and small, and insignificant and helpless......

.....and because of that, the frustration, and anger I sometimes feel toward the Army, toward our country, toward our politicians, and toward every person who is not collectively, and actively going through this battle with us is.....consuming, and  downright frightens me.

.....we make our way into this enormous, forsaken hanger.....some bleachers and chairs and flags are tucked away in a small section.....there is so much space to fill, we actually look like, little miniature people and the irony is not lost on me.  

Kids are running around playing, wives are standing stoic in beautiful dresses.....

I have to use the bathroom.  

I don't understand.....why!?! on THIS day, we cannot have access to a clean bathroom with toilet paper, soap and paper towels.....can we not be treated with dignity?  Its really not like everyone didn't know we were coming- they had time to set up the flags and chairs....The anger makes me want to lash out and rebel.....and I honestly think I should have just squatted on the grass in front of the Apache Static display.....sometimes.....rebellion is control......

....I know we laughed about it, but its not funny.  They issued you....A RUSTY. LEFT HANDED. PISTOL.  YOU. SHOOT. RIGHT. HANDED.   Not even a fighting chance?  A show of charity, of good faith? 

....I think you and I.  We feed off that.  The underestimation.  The underdog.  A pretty white girl who can't fight.  A quiet, seemingly timid, awkward sort of a fellow, who isn't swift and deadly.....We don't need your charity and we don't need your faith.  I am not wearing a dress and say the pistol is just leveling the playing field......

 .....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife......**

Friday, June 6, 2014

....filled to the brim my heart.....**

Beloved LEGS....

....I won't forget, the way I felt, laying in the pale, gray, twilight of the mornings dusk, on the day you left.....I laid there and my bones felt so heavy...the energy required to rise from our bed was what seemed an impossible feat.....

....the house was starting to become empty....the house was becoming a hollow place that stored belongings that no longer meant anything to me....and no amount of previous life experience....physical, emotional or mental training could prepare me.....could give me the tools, necessary, to handle sending you, you who my soul loves, that WAR....

....the night prior I convinced you to take a bath with eyes thirstily drank you in....the peace you seemed to possess, like a child or cherub gave my soul absolute euphoria......and washing your mortal body....feeling your skin and the life in your body.....both filled to the brim, my heart and collapsed it at the same time......I could NOT HELP BUT THINK.....what if you do not return like you are in this moment?

....I often wonder if you feel the same way or have the same questions.....the day you leave I feel a bizarre sort of amped....heart beats irregular, stomach flips and flops, the frailty robs me of all my strength....and still I cannot believe that my feet are moving, that I am helping you load and pack, that I am actually driving the vehicle to deliver you....

....I pray for divine intervention....a debilitating care accident, a catastrophic event.....a sudden pardon....from the people that make these decisions...... occurs to me....that despite the years we have been doing this, the previous deployments, having my health, and the stress of boxing means absolutely nothing......

I am not significant or special.....I am exactly like all the others around us.......

....Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife......**