My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Reflection and Premeditation for 2011....**

What up BLOG!

Weather brought to you by TANK GIRL: Once we started driving into Mississippi and Louisiana LEGS and ARMS began to get naked and the heat was changed to cool air.....Sometimes living in the DIRTY DIRTY has its perks.  It was a beautifully clear sunny day today.....not sure if it was warm because I never did make it outside......

Sweet HOME Alabama.....where the skies are so blue.....I seriously could not believe how thrilled I was to be in Alabama last night.....though I will live in the toilet of the country, and the sign at Alabama's state line says 'Alabama the Beautiful' LOLZ! can call them Country but theys only Southern......

There is junk in everybody's yard and we give even the worst looking trailer parks across the rest of the US a serious run for their money.  There really isn't anything pretty about the state I currently call home.  But its where I live.  I missed the smell, the sky, and the temperatures......

As soon as we got home last night, Karmella ran all over the house looking for Clampy and Jake.  LEGS and I were talking about how much we missed the smell of our house.....its not even that good of a smell its like old house smell......we took a hot shower and went straight to bed to dream the dreams that only soul mates know.....

My day hasn't been that exciting......and you know what? I really enjoyed it....I woke up to a cold cup of coffee on my nightstand....must have been hours earlier that LEGS put it there.  The house was eerily quiet and much bigger than I remember with just me and Karmella in it.  I am glad to be home, but also sad.....I miss my boys.....(heavy sigh)........

I spent ALL DAY cleaning, unpacking and doing the biggest pile of laundry that has ever graced my home......I am still not done with the laundry.....Since Clampy and Jakey aren't here to bark LEGS has scared the living sh*t out of me twice today......and since I could not even bare the thought of cooking we continued our quest of super-sizing ourselves by ordering Thai Food.

So much has changed in our lives these last few weeks, its hard for me to think of myself as the same person.  I guess that is probably a good thing, since it is the new year and all.....I am reflecting on the last year, and thinking about the future.  
I remember I wrote down my new years resolutions in my diary last year:

I dug them out tonight and was surprised by a few;

1. Get back in Shape- I have eaten every god forsaken thing I have ever wanted for the last week.
2. Feel my feelings, but don't let people make me feel a way that I don't want to.
3. Learn a new Language
4. Don't let Location ruin my goals, hopes, dreams and wishes of changing the world.
5. Keep Boxing in my life because its a part of me now.
6. Make my life something worth watching.....

My reflections on 2010's resolutions:
1. Get back in shape.  I did get in the best shape I have ever been in, in 2010.

2. Feel my feelings but don't let people make me feel a way I don't want to....this one is a little shaky.  I did do better about not letting people affect me negatively....however, sometimes I think its unavoidable and if you never let anybody else affect you- you would be a robot.  

3. Learn a new language-um....does understanding 'country' count?

4. Don't let Location ruin my goals, hopes, dreams and wishes of changing the world......I would say that I did make the best of my location...although I think I mostly changed myself for the better and not necessarily other people.....

5. Keep Boxing in my life because its part of me now.  This was my best accomplishment for 2010.  My life literally became boxing.  I won the National Golden Gloves at 132 (Novice) division.  I was a 6th place finisher at the US Nationals.  I am officially ranked at number 7 in the United States.  

6.  Make my life something worth watching........I would say that my life was like a 'drama' this year.  The plot starts out with a troubled marriage.  LEGS and I were in a tough position at the beginning of the year.....but we worked things out and have gone on to inspire each other to chase and live out our dreams.  I went to Elite with boxing and LEGS....can FLY! Now I look back and cannot believe we started so bad off- but I know now that even though we are a strong couple- our relationship is still fragile.......

2011's New Years Resolutions: My Premeditation for 2011

1. Get Back In Shape.  I have eaten every god forsaken thing I have ever wanted for the last 17 DAYS! Go Big or Go Home......I got on the scale tonight....I thought 150 for was better than I thought....I'm starting out at 145.....and realistically want to get down to 137 or a little less......

2. Learn a new language, a new culture and live in another country....I am being facetious....we are NEVER NEVER LAND.....I have been told you can get away with speaking English but I am really excited about learning GERMAN.  

3. Learn to knit better, sew better, and blog better......this requires me to make more time to do these things.....

4. Learn how to live without so much stuff.....I always over pack, haul around, and accumulate too much crape......I want to find a balance between versatility and preparedness.....(without looking like I just climbed out of REI)

5. Continue on my quest to change the world....

6. Make my life something worth watching......

Random Thoughts:

Yesterday afternoon LEGS and I got hungry, so we looked up places to eat on the GPS......Don't the people in the South know there is more to life than fried chicken?

We are 1.5 hours from Florida which means we have literally traveled across the United States TWICE in two weeks.....we traveled 5400 miles and saw some of the most beautiful country I have ever laid eyes on....Magic.....

Holy Hell I am fat!

Karmella has slept all day long.....she must be exhausted!

I have so many books to read and never enough time to do it in......

Its reading time, this is TANK GIRL....Over & Out......

Just another ordinary day in the life of an unlikely military wife......** 

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