My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Warning: LEGS.not.ticklish when counting coin....**


I'm BAAACK......

Weather commentary via TANK GIRL: SUNNY SHINE AND WINDY WIND.....

Um lets see I have packed today, I have packed yesterday, I will pack tomorrow, I have lots of packs, I am such a efficient packer, I like to pack it up, I like to pack it in, I have packed under and over, I don't like the Packers and I run in a two man wolf pack....with a min pin.

Riddle me this.....

Our Garage Sale signs are GONE!


I have tried over and over today to rationalize the situation like: maybe they blew away, maybe a car swept them away, maybe lightening struck them, or a tornado came, maybe David Copperfield made them disappear, or Scottie Beamed them up, or Harry Potter put his invincible cloak over them, or maybe just maybe somebody stole them because they want to buy ALL of our stuff? 


IF, some charming individual needed to barrow them, or felt they would get better publicity somewhere else, I want to take this time to say if you need them more than I do I am glad you took them, if you placed them in a place that would encourage more people to come I would like to graciously thank you for your kindness.

This is my only Qualifier: 


IF. You are an Poop head, Freak Show of a Nazi that stole or threw away my signs, you better watch your six buddy because I am number 7, in addition, my beautiful, faithful, vigilant Husband serves you, protects your country, and gets paid mere pennies for a VERY dangerous job, we were only trying to make some paper to replace all that we are giving up to accomplish this mission.  Karma is a rrreeeeeaaaaaahaheel doozy you JACK BALL!       


I am very excited.  LEGS is having some jewelery of mine put together and modified, I should have it before NEVER NEVER LAND. Once I get it, I will post pictures.

Tomorrow I am having a Garage Sale........In Alabama.......and Jethro got his HOG (see previous blog 'Jethro Hunts for Hog'), so its shaping up to be a very interesting day....Stay Tuned!

Random Thoughts:
I just want to say I LOVE THIS: Copy this and paste it in your status if you know someone, or have heard of someone who knows someone. If you don't know anyone, or even if you've heard of someone who doesn't know anyone, then do still copy this. It's important to spread the message. Oh and the hearts ... for crap's sake don't forget the hearts! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ (Thank you Emma Chapman- you made me laugh today!)
I suspect this  relocation to NEVER NEVER LAND is making me a lush.  No shame in my game.
As indicated in a previous blog, I have collected spare change in weird bottles I have.  After awhile I roll em, and take it to the BANK! LEGS has informed me that any coin we have that was made before 1965 must be saved because its 90% silver.  So far....he has found a whopping 3 dimes.
And apparently though very ticklish, not when he is counting money.
Watching my husband count coin, in his ACU's while singing 'Fortunate Son' by Creedance Clearwater Revival : AWESOMELY RADICAL!
Some fat Alabama guy said 'Hey Babie' to me today.  I smiled and said 'Hey.' What the hell was I thinking?
Over & Out...

Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife.....**

1 comment:

  1. You'r too funny....And for the record, "poop head" and "freak sho" are my titles.....not garage sale sign stealers. Put the sale on craigslist, nobody looks at the signs anyways. the hardcore garage sale buyers scan craigslist dawg. Beware of the people that show up at 6am, they are hawks.....I once sold a vintage "Snap On" wratchet set for $5 to some hilbillies dressed in overalls. Now that Im educated on tools I realize It was worth a couple hundy.
