My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

DAMN I'm.............Knackered**

Knackered is a British word that means tired, exhausted....I am too knackered to write this blog......

Random thoughts for the day;

I don't feel like getting out of bed................I need coffee..................I wish LEGS would bring me some coffee............I really need it................Coffee is so am I going to live without it when I get pregnant???......DAMN.......this coffee sucks.....But I can't complain LEGS brought it to me.......DAMN........I shouldn't have watched my first fight at Nationals on FB right before bed last night.....what was I thinking???........I wouldn't have needed that Melatonin to fall asleep...........DAMN..................I was good at boxing............DAMN..................

I hate running...........why are my knees hurting?........... am I really getting THAT old???.................DAMN.....................I like this song..................

I hate Plyometrics too.........what is this???.............this chub on my stomach..............- where does it come from???..........DAMN...................I should stop eating Halloween Candy..........

Guess I should make this Lasagna......I told LEGS I would...........I don't have a job...........should make myself useful.......DAMN..................Oh man this Italian bread is crispy almost stale.........DAMN..................

I am so tired...........I don't want to go to yoga...............DAMN.........but I really should just go...........

(German Vocabulary) Hey...........I actually do remember some of this..........why do these phrase books have to be so DAMN confusing??? Like.................I don't get it..................OH okay........Now I get it......I think...............maybe................DAMN..................LEGS and I will learn this in no time we just have to start using it everyday.......right?.........I wonder if I hang these phrases up around the house if I am overwhelming him???...........No, No, No.........he needs to know this stuff he is going to be over there too.................we need to sign up for that Rosetta Stone............getting LEGS to do that is HARD.......DAMN........................

We have so much to do before we move................change address...ON EVERYTHING..........get post office box...update insurance...........wonder where we are going to live..........LEGS needs to update his Car Registration..........don't know when that is going to happen.............DAMN.....we have so much to do...................DAMN.............

(LEGS calls he isn't going to be home for dinner) DAMMIT.............I just spent all that time cooking........OH WELL.................

(At Yoga) legs are tired...........people in here are twice my age and I suck...........wish I was more flexible.........I think its funny people do Hot Yoga.......Boxers have been purposefully sweating their a**es off for years............ they thought of it first.........ha ha............DAMN.......

(In bath) I really hope this helps my legs for tomorrow........that and some motrin...........DAMMIT- I just put conditioner in my hair instead of shampoo- why do they change the bottles??? Don't the distributors and marketers realize it confuses people and pisses them off and they won't buy the product anymore???? Stupid....................

I really need to finish Kembree's blanket.................DAMN.....................

I just need to go to bed.............I hate sleeping without LEGS...............DAMN..........**


  1. you my daughter are silly, but I love you & miss you so much. p.s I relate to the conditioner part

  2. LOL....If I ever had a super power it would be to read minds. That was seriously funny, the randomness of your thoughts, I do it too but am ten times worse, I guess we all do it.

  3. LOLZ I am glad you guys liked it I wasn't sure when I posted G trust me I have a lot more random thoughts then the ones above but I am trying to keep this thing rated PG-13........Love and miss you both!!!! .*)
