My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Friday, November 5, 2010

HippieReceptionColdStalker and Gossip**

I started today by pissing off my LEGS.  It wasn't on purpose......I was just getting at him about some things that need to get done............

I went to our favorite Thai Restaurant with some girlfriends for lunch and decided I should extend the olive branch by bringing him takeout.  I texted him to see what he wanted, but he never answered.  I get all the way home and sure enough there is a text with his order enclosed. So....I had to drive all the way back to the restaurant.......hours later (because they close for the afternoon) to fetch his grub- which I didn't mind.......for real.....

What I do mind is AT&T and their god forsaken commercials.  They brag about what great service they have all over the country blah-blah--blah-blah----blah- but they don't cover where I live- or the surrounding areas and I don't have 3G even though I have an iPhone.  

This is how bad it HOT summer day I called my Grams up- but I have to stand about halfway down the driveway to get reception.  Okay....when I say HOT I live in the south- its really really really HOT down here- and we have some, really, really REALLY BIG BUGS down here.  So I am chatting up with my Grams and some gigantic insect kamikaze's my face- so....I do..what every AK girl does I start running and flailing all the while trying to keep an even tone so as to not alarm my Grams.  

After this experience I started to yammer it up in my tank- which means I had to roll the FJ about half way down the drive way and turn on the AC.  It still works good even though now I turn on the heat, and I have gotten fancy and started having a little picnic out in my tank- bring my little cocktail and snacks...but I know FOR A FACT that my neighbors think I am crazy.  My friend who lives in my neighborhood drove by the other night- there I am drinking in my FJ like some closet alcoholic yakking it up with my LONGSHANKS, she said she was like "why is her truck parked in the driveway with its lights on???" (she almost stopped glad she didn't I looked like a freak show in my robe with socks hair sticking up glass of wine in my hand)

I called my Grams today since I was out picking up LEGS' food and I had reception- she wasn't home- started making me feel like a loser- she's out doing something on a Friday night and I am bored calling her.  I settled for my friend "G"- who also has to step outside to get reception in TX.  Him and I were like getting disconnected, saying "can you hear me now?, calling each other back and forth- I am rolling up and down the drive way.......its nothing short of ridonkulous!

I am ashamed to say it, but its cold down here.  I keep telling myself today its like a summer day in AK, but I have been bundling up and turning on my heat like its negative 20 out.  Its 55/60 degrees but I guess when you are used to it being 90 to 100 with 100% humidity 60 feels cold. Its so hot down here that LEGS and I have been eating melted Halloween Candy for days...... And putting on jeans has been stupid- even though I have gained some weight back most of my jeans still look like I sh*t myself- I have been actually contemplating gaining the weight back.....I know I am insane!!! 

I don't turn the heat on in this cardboard box insulated house because I would be wasting my money- so I have been taking hot baths to warm up and lighting candles all over the house.  Its so bizarre but my black lab Jake, like camps out next to the tub and licks all the water off the side that splashes up..........every time I reach for my shampoo he is there stalking me....ready to totally creeps me out he's like there starring at me!!! Here is a picture of what my view is from the bath..........

I was thinking today-.....I know that's a ashamed I sometimes am about my status in life.  I am a hippie for crying out loud........I get mad because back in AK I had a plan- I was working a job I loved and was good at- I was going to return to school and get my was a clear, precise, I am just in the worst part of the country for employment- about to go to a foreign country where I don't speak the language- I am thankful that LEGS and I have such a good marriage and we are VERY happy- ( I know I even hate myself for it) but I just wonder sometimes if I should have a backup plan???

Another thing that popped in my mind today was the concept of gossip.  Does that even exist anymore?  I was thinking that I don't like it when people talk behind my back- but I would hate if nobody ever talked about me when I wasn't around......can you imagine? There would be no birthday or Christmas surprises, no heads up on personality traits, no insight, conversation would be dull because all you would hear is people talking about themselves- ick!  And with all of our technology today can you really say something about somebody they can't find out themselves????  I feel like you should always judge for yourself, and of course find things out about people for yourself as well, but bad or good- I kindive like being on people's lips.......(wink, wink) **


  1. This is what life is all about.....uncertainty and confusion is what keeps us going! Dont feel bad about the drinking on the driveway thing...When Krysta and I used to fight I'd take my 6 pack of beer out to the car and listen to talk radio in my car on the driveway when it was snowing outside. I dont even want to know what my neighbors thought about it.
