My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

German v. LEGS Saga

I was reading one of the German Culture Books LEGS' Mom got me and I was laughing hysterically today.......I feel like this should have been the handbook somebody gave LEGS when he married me. (Susan you should have bought this 8 years ago!!! .*D )
My Mema is German, and my Mother was born in Germany so none of this comes to any surprise....The book mentions how ORDER is a fundamental value of German people and it permeates in everything they do.  Call me anal, people do all the time, but I cannot stand any part of my life being in dis-array it drives me bananas. 

It talks about how Germans are big planners- a prime example of this in my life with LEGS is how he will show up three minutes before the flight is scheduled to leave and make the flight without a hitch.  I, however, will show up hours before the flight is due to leave and be delayed for hours and hours and hours......or our typical Saturday morning debates over what the day should look like..........LEGS wants to play it by ear, and I want to have a plan.........

Germans do not like procrastinators.  The book says if you are a procrastinator by nature you should brush up on your performance when dealing with a German. A prime example is when I have to put LEGS back together like Humpty Dumpty- he will fail to plan accordingly and then the panic begins...he has straight up lost his car keys so bad he could not drive his car for days....I'm convinced I could hide any item of his and he would assume he has lost it..........his motorcycle key, Xbox I am just being evil.........

Since I have been on LEGS' arm I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have gotten him smoked by his superiors (telling a Marine Corps Captain he is an a**hole), have started fights between him and his boyz (just caused a divorce between him and a dear friend of his) and have generally caused tension, headaches and stress on his behalf.  LEGS has always hated the fact that I am candid, well, he calls it rude, but again the answer is in the book.  I must say that since we have been together LEGS has stopped squeezing my knee and giving me the death stare from across the room.............I guess he has just gotten used to it.............

Germans value truth and duty.  Frankness and straightforwardness to the point of bluntness are features of German society.  I cannot begin to imagine all the times my big mouth has gotten me into trouble- and not because I was being mean spirited but because I was being honest and blunt to a fault.  I will say that I have toned it down a lot since I started boxing because I just don't have the energy to fight outside the ring.......

Work Ethic............Germans are hard workers, in fact their work ethic is world renowned.  Even though I am not working right now- I structure and fill everyday with things that need to get done....I will work with no food or water, where LEGS must be fed and watered accordingly.....I will not sleep until the work is done which includes an arguing until the problem is solved............whereas LEGS is perfectly happy going to sleep..............

Even though he drives me bonkers, LEGS calms me down, balances me out, and will be the reason I live past 50............**


  1. see and you wonder where your mother gets it from? This should explain it

  2. And you blame it on Daddy- not so fast Momma not so fast!!!**
