My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm a fat pirate who perfers to drive....**

Its raining today thank GOD!!! Sometimes I get so damn sick of the sunshine down here- its like I never have an excuse to be lazy......Although I stare out my window at the rain and wish to GOD it was snow.....he probably thinks I am an ungrateful witch.....
Its been a slow couple of days due to the sprained ankle.  I just love dragging my leg behind me in public like a pirate.  It would be cool if I actually had a legit injury that I got doing something cool......instead its "I sprained it running." Yeah! Ima winner!

The highlight (besides the Pacquiao fight) of our weekend was going to Waffle House.  This is becoming a regular occurrence for LEGS and I, much to my waste-line's dismay...... We really love the fully loaded hash browns, but, my favorite part about going there is this older lady named Dorothy that works there.  She is the nicest lady ever and I love talking to her.  She makes me feel so welcome.  Chris loves the hash browns and the price.  I wonder if Dorothy even realizes how awesome she is and how relaxed and at home she makes people feel.....I hope she knows by our tip.......

We have finally gotten some things nailed down for the Holly-days.  LEGS and I are going to Big Spoon and Little Spoons house with Moot, Jelly Bean and Kembree for Thanksgiving.  I am getting excited about that- I love how people the military just pull together and invent a family atmosphere for the holidays.  As much as I love my family it will be a nice change, no family feuds, politics, mood swings........Come on you know what I am talking about.......and if you don't you are the one that is driving everybody nuts- nutbag! 

And we are leaving the 18th (so long as the Army approves LEG's leave) for our drive to Oregon for Christmas.  I am stoked, on our Anniversary we are going to stop at my dear friend Longshank's house.  Last Christmas we drove to New York to spend it with my family, so we are driving to Oregon to spend it with LEGS' family. I do love taking Road Trips with LEGS......we always have so much fun.....sometimes.......when he doesn't put on his music....and we don't get lost.....and we don't drive anywhere near the Atlanta airport....

I like being able to stop when we want, eat where we want, and have control......I hate the airport and LEGS likes to talk when we are in the car you know what its like sitting next to Uncle Fester on the airplane? (yeah the guy in the Adam's Family that doesn't talk that is LEGS on the airplane) It sucks! Mid as well travel with a complete stranger.............

Every night when I lay down to go to sleep, my mind runs wild.  I can't get it to shut up!!! This is what it sounds like; I'm hungry......there is some Oreo's in the back of the pantry where LEGS won't find go to sleep........or some cheese......God I love cheese.....I wish....I could stop eating it......but I...can't.  Why do you always think about food Tiff?......Just go to bed......(heavy inhale in) what was that? I think somebody is in the house.....NO....nobody is there.....but what if somebody is.....what would they steal?......maybe the cheese......yeah right.......if they stole my cheese they would have a big problem on their hands....that sh*t is expensive.......sleep...sleep.......okay count sheep.....1.....2.....3.....this is dumb why does anybody think this works................

I had a nightmare last night.  I was at this fancy Buffet with like incredible food, I couldn't get all the food I wanted on the plates I had, and the further down the buffet I got the harder it was to get the food.  Like the cake was on a really high shelf....and the cheese was down really I was trying to balance three plates chock full of food and struggling to reach the stuff I really like.  I woke up totally stressed out and hungry.

Has anybody else noticed sandwich's are better when other people make them?
Do dogs really watch TV? Karmella was 'watching' TV yesterday........

Do you ever see somebody in public but you don't want to say hi or talk to them so you pretend you didn't see them?
People with cleaner houses are skinnier- researches suspect that they burn a lot of extra calories keeping their houses clean......according to a Indiana University Study.....makes sense to me.......

Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife...........**


  1. OMG HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even begin... the cheese... the burgler... the nightmare... so, so funny.

  2. Warmed my heart Kitty Kat.... ;)**

  3. I do this same thing in bed at night!! I am EXHAUSTED yet I lay there thinking of stupid things instead of sleeping. All of this talk of cheese makes me want to get some cheese from the fridge right now .. lol
