My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Monday, November 22, 2010

I am a ZOMBIE.....**

I have not been sleeping well.  But I have also been abnormally tired for the sleep that I am getting.  I suspect that my thyroid is messed up AGAIN......

(For those of you that don't know: 
Hyperthyroidism is an auto-immune disorder that slows down the bodies chemical processes and metabolism that results in fatigue, weight gain, depression, it is harmful to babies, and causes low body temperature, sluggishness, weakness, dizziness, memory problems, low libido (poor LEGS), inability to concentrate, and infertility.)

I have been infected and am now a ZOMBIE.  (zombie grunts) I drag my feet, I am cold, I wander around aimlessly trying to remember what I forgot, I am not very smart, its hard to speak coherently, I get fixated on things and irritated very easily- so I fly into to a rage for no reason.  I also am very emotional and I wail for no apparent reason.  And I tend to grumble, grunt, growl, drool, throw tantrums and spit more......Good thing LEGS has taken the ZOMBIE SURVIVAL COURSE......

He took me to get my blood drawn and to harass people to get me an appointment before the long holiday weekend. It was semi-successful, I have an appointment but my lab results won't be back for a week.  (zombie growls)

I feel bad he got home from simulators, and put comfy clothes on.  Just to put his flight suit back on a half hour later.  While I struggled to get into the shower and stood in my closet (drooling) trying to put myself together- (all I want to do is put sweats on and go back to bed) but I slowly managed a pair of jeans and a nice shirt on. Getting showered and dressed is the equivalent of running a marathon...(insert zombie tantrum here)...Is is time for a nap yet?

This could explain why I was ramming and running like a freak show in the store the other day picking up those ingredients for the recipes.  (dragging my feet)
Why my feet have been frozen icicles lately and I have been sleeping in a ridiculous amount of clothing.  (insert exorcism behavior here)
At least I have an excuse for getting fat. (insert more drooling and spitting)
Last night we watched a show that isn't meant to be funny or sad, there I was laughing and crying for no reason....... (insert zombie wailing)

After we went to the hospital we went to the commissary to get the things that I forgot for those recipes.  We got a basket because we didn't need that much.  My legs feel like I have 10 pound cement blocks on them.  LEGS carried the basket and I carried a bag of frozen chicken up to the check out.  I stood there while LEGS rang up all of our items.  He was all checked out and getting ready to pay before I remembered I had the bag of frozen chicken in my hand and it too needed to be rung up. (insert normal zombie dissociation here)  I think I need a nap.......

When we got home he asked me where I put the crackers.  I just starred at him blankly (insert zombie drool) thinking of where I might have put them, once I remembered I tried find the words to tell him (insert zombie babble here)- by then he had already found them and moved on to the next task.

After our brief trip I needed a nap.  I have been up for two hours and I feel the need to go lay down again......I hate it because its the exact opposite of who I am.  I normally have a lot of energy, I am together, organized, I like to look nice and I hate sleeping.......(insert zombie tantrum here)

I am hoping to have the anti-zombie serum before Thanksgiving so that I can make those recipes without burning the house down and conduct myself in socially acceptable NON-ZOMBIE like way at Thanksgiving dinner..............

Just another day in the life of an unlikely ZOMBIE military wife......**


  1. Well, even though your psycho-motor skills are dulled, at least your wit is still sharp! =)

  2. Have you tried taking melatonin over the counter? It has worked wonders for me!

  3. I love Melatonin- Alyssa- use it all the time.....It does help me sleep....just not lately....**
