My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day**

Veteran's day is a very special day to me.  I tend to get a little emotional around this day, I will find myself crying at the sight of LEGS, or reminiscing over memories I have had with the fallen, or thinking of my Grandfather's cancer ridden body and how proud he is to have served his country, during the Korean War.

I read a book called 'The Things They Carried' by Tim O'Brien it was about his time in Vietnam. I would like to copy an excerpt from the book and place it here because I think its important to reflect for a moment on our history today.

"The things they carried were largely determined by necessity. Among the necessities or near-necessities were P-38 can openers, pocket knives, heat tabs, wristwatches, dog tags, mosquito repellent, chewing gum, candy, cigarettes, salt tablets, packets of Kool-aid, lighters, matches, sewing kits, Military Payment Certificates, C rations, and two or three canteens of water. Together these items weighed 15 and 20 pounds, depending on man's habits or rate of metabolism.  

By necessity, and because it was SOP, they all carried steel helmets that weighed 5 pounds including their liner and camouflage cover.  They carried standard fatigue jackets and trousers.  Very few carried underwear. On their feet they carried jungle boots-2.1 pounds.

Because the land was mined and booby-trapped, it was SOP for each man to carry a steel-centered, nylon covered flack jacket, which weighed 6.7 pounds but on hot days seemed much heavier. Because you could die so quickly, each man carried at least one large compress bandage, usually in the helmet band for easy access. Because the nights were cold, and because the monsoons were wet, each carried a green plastic poncho that could be used as a raincoat or groundsheet or makeshift tent.  With its quilted liner it weighed almost 2 pounds, but it was worth every ounce.  

For the most part they carried themselves with poise, a kind of dignity. Now and then, however, there were times of panic, when they squealed or wanted to squeal but couldn't, when they twitched and made moaning sounds and covered their heads and said Dear Jesus and flopped around on the earth and fired their weapons blindly and cringed and sobbed and begged for the noise to stop and went wild and made stupid promises to themselves and to God and to their mothers and fathers, hoping not to die."

Its a really good book and highly recommend it.....

When I woke up this morning I was delighted to see how many people of facebook had mentioned Veteran's day, how many people have taken a few seconds out of their day to recognize the very people that allow the concept of facebook to exist- it was also upsetting to me the people that had not said anything about it- but to tell you the truth I am not surprised by which people were aware of today's importance and which people were not.  

I would like to take the excerpts from my facebook page and place them here in my blog to be read- because so many of the things posted have touched my heart- and have certainly warmed a Vet's heart today. The photos are just scattered throughout the blog and they are pictures that LEGS took over in Iraq while he was over there- they have only been selected because they touched me...........

A huge salute to all Veteran's today; each and every one of you are very brave souls! Thank you for sacrificing your freedom for ours! - Jacquie Lupro Rodwell

To my most amazing man- Thanks for all you have done and continue to do.....It is an honor to be with you! I'm so proud of you! Happy Veteran's Day! -Leigh Whitaker to John Richard Hantzis

A Veteran is someone, who at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up tom, and including, their life. That is beyond honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact. I HONOR and SALUTE you!!! -Brenda Ashton and Tim Simonson

Thank you to all the men and women who protect our freedom!!! Especially my amazing husband Travis, who I am soooo proud of! :) -Samantha Wilson Culp

Happy Veteran's Day to all the Service men & women out there, Thank you for your service!!! -Wendy Rainey Sanders

Happy Veteran's Day! -Hope Frazier

Today is day for people to stand up and applaud those who have selflessly put their life on the line to ensure the freedom of others. I am proud today; just as everyday. to be the wife of one of the most dedicated, honorable, and hard-working veterans I know. I love you Dan, keep making us all proud!!!-Erica Laven

To all the Vets out there, thank you for your service. It's because of you that we are the land of the free and the brave. YOU are the brave and I salute you. -Bob Manwaring

Thank you for all you have given and are still giving for our freedom! -Kimber Jones

I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free. I'll never forget the men who died (and fought) that gave that right to me. Thank you to all our veterans and those currently serving overseas for your service to our country! -Cheryl Zinter

Happy Veteran's Day to those past and present! Y'all are amazing for doing what you do! Special shout out to my two favorite Vets- John, my love and my Daddio! - Leigh Whitaker

Thank you to all of our Veterans for your service!!! Happy Veteran's Day!-Lacy Richmond

Thank you for your service. - Rian Lockwood (female helicopter pilot woot! woot!)
I want to honor my husband how is an amazing Veteran!!! I love you Richard! -Jennifer Murphy

Happy VD! -Sean Clifton

A couple of weeks ago, I notarized a power of attorney for a man in uniform. I asked him why he wouldn't be here for his closing (making small talk)- he said he had to go back to Afghanistan. I finished my work, and as he was leaving I said 'Thank you for your service.' His response- 'its really no problem- you're worth it.' Thank you pas and present service men and women.  Thank you for my freedom -Megan McKay

It's veterans day so don't forget to say thank you to the people and their that are serving or have served. You guys don't know how far a simple thank you goes to a veteran. It means a lot when the people you have sacrificed for acknowledge that you have sacrificed for them. -Josh Henry

HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY!!!!!!! -Vicki Johnson Patzold
Hey Veterans, Thank you for your service. -Jessica Barrie Fortier

Happy Veteran's Day to all those have selflessly served our country and sacrificed so much for the freedom that we so often take for granted! I'm so proud to know so many of these great people & to call myself the wifey of one of them! -Flora Engel

Happy Veteran's day to my wonderful father. Love you dad! -Carrie Vanderwood

Thank you love for your continued selfless service to our country! You're my hero!!! I love & appreciate you more than you will ever know! -Sarah Eggleston Bowerfind

For my father, all of my uncles(yes every single one of them) and for my wonderful stepfather. All men brave and true. - Donna Barrington

A HUGE thank you to all of my fellow veterans!!! Land of the free because of the brace!!! You are appreciated beyond what words can describe! -Sarah Eggleston Bowerfind

Honor those who served! -Mariah Reddick

"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you." UNK. Folks take a minute out of your day to thank a vet. Personally every time I see someone enjoying life and the freedoms they have it makes me smile. It's worth every drop of blood, sweat and tears that has been shed on mind and every other service members behalf. Hats off to all those who have paved the way and who currently serve. -Jason Engel

"Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to violence on their behalf." George Orwell. Thank you for your past and present service to our country. Every time I think of what you have been through and what you are willing to do for all of us- I get a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye....Happy Veteran's Day....I love you LEGS! -Tiffany A. Coussens to Christopher A. Coussens

A marine is a hard-charging, high stepping, straight-shooting, low crawling, rough riding. glorious global soldier of the sea. For 235 years of non-stop, rompin' stompin' runnin and ramming, she has known the meaning of fear, for she is fear itselfm she is an all weather, MRE Fed, liquid cooled, All American kid form all over America, she's the baddest thing from Maine to Spain, Boston to Austin, Iran to Disney Land, she's a piece of twisted steal and sex appeal.....Happy Veteran's Day, thank you for your service....Love you Twink- Tiffany A. Coussens to Kelsey Billet

Thank you for your service!!! -Kerry Jo Muller

Happy Veteran's Day! -Rodney Bettis

Happy Veteran's Day!!! Thank you all the mend and women who have served this country. -Will Fang

Thank you to everyone out there who is actively serving or who has ever served in the armed forces. I appreciate your dedication to this country. -Jeremy Abercrombie

Veterans speak fluent french, in Russian. They have an awkward moment once a year just to know what it feels like. Their blood smells like cologne. Veterans charm is so contagious, they created a vaccine for it. They are loves not fighters, but they are also fighters so don't get any ideas. People hang on their every word, even the prepositions.....They are the most interesting people in the world- Don't forget it. -Troy Buford

I love our soldiers! Especially mine! He has been to war 4 times now, missed the entire first year of his oldest daughter's life , 6 months of his twin girls lives, spent numerous holidays and birthday's away from his family and was fighting for your freedom the whole time! Be grateful and honor all of the veterans today and every day! -Chrissy Baker

Thank you to all the brave men and women who have served this country! -Allison Culbreth

Happy Vets Day- Anthony Launza

Today is always a special day, Thank you all the Men & Women who has served before me and help make our great country what it is today, I promise I'll do my par in keeping it that way. May God bless all our military and their families!!! Stay safe and take care of each other!!!! -Triva Pino
Here's to our Veteran's, especially to my grandfathers. Thank you. Owen Barrington

One of the greatest honors of my life was being able to attend the 60th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy. I was able to meet countless vets that stormed the shores and hear their amazing stories. In my eyes that was one of the greatest generations but what proved their bravery was opportunity. -Jason Engel

I cannot say thank you enough to all the veterans out there. I am so thankful that someone gives up so much because they believe in our country and our freedoms and our rights. Thank you all of the vets past, present and future and to all the wives, husbands, and kids who give up so much too. -Tara Foster

Thank you to all the Veterans, not just today, but everyday. Those who have served, those who are still serving, and those we lost while serving. I know way too many to age in this post! Thank you all and happy veteran's day. -Alyssa Ikner

Happy Veterans Day. Thanks to all those that have served this country. -Matt Stanbro

Happy Veteran's Day - Nicole Bettencourt

To us in America, the reflections of armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations- President Woodrow Wilson via Christy Zeiler

For as much time as I spent with my grandfather this one of the only pics I have of him. He was in the Air Force, but I don't hold that against him, Thanks for Serving Grandpa I miss you! -Jesse Owen (Navy)

Happy Veterans Day to my father who spent 21 years serving our country and to others much love!- Anthony Launza

Happy Veteran's Day to all who serve or have served in the past!!! Rachel McKay

Remembering all Veteran's today on this 2010 Veteran's Day...those that gave their lives in battle, those that were affected by Agent Orange, those that returned from any and all American Wars (right or wrong) and those that continue to serve today. -Gibby MacGregor

Thank you to all the men and women who have spent their lives fighting for our freedom. -Michelle Anciso

Happy Birthday Marines and happy veterans day to all have served our beloved family and friends. Damn its good to be an AMERICAN!!!- Ron Holmes

Soldiers are serving all around the world now and vets thank you very much for my freedom and risking your lived to keep the dream alive. -Fred Evern

Thank you to all the men & women who served or are currently serving in the military! Lucy Washington-Etuckmelra

Had a ball with Greg tonight. It was an honor to be with so many soldiers, especially knowing that they are heading off to help with operations overseas. Regardless of right or wrong, these men and women are proud to wear the uniform and I salute them.  Thank you all those that have served in combat. Yours is road few would travel willingly. God Bless your families and your lives for your sacrifices. I am honored to be counted among you. -Emma Chapman

Thankful for all the military men and women who make it possible to have our freedom. Wishing I could celebrate with my Grandpa today, an amazing THREE TIME WAR VETERAN! RIP James Shackelford. XOXO- Christina Michelson

Is Thankful to all our service men and women and their families past, present and future. Thank you for serving our country during good times and bad.  May your sacrifices be remembered! -Hope Frazier

I know that my Grandfather, LEGS, my BFF Kelsey and any other Vet that reads this blog will be touched by this post.  LEGS always tells me if its between him and the other guy he wants it to be him serving.  I would like to thank each and every Veteran, past and present, for the incredible sacrifice you make each and every day of your lives- and also to the incredible dedication and sacrifice that I see the families make- you are always in my thoughts, not far from my heart, and join me in the plight.  
I don't care what other people think, I think we are making history- and I am willing to sacrifice for that.  

Just another day in the life of unlikely military wife.....**

1 comment:

  1. you rock my world everyday! Thanks for being my daughter and choosing me to be your PROUD mom~
