My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tiggles the Turkey....**

(In a sexy weather girl voice) Hello, this is Tank Girl with your local, Oregon, and Alaska weather forecast. Here in LA (Lower Alabama) we are experiencing a balmy 78 degrees, mostly sunny skies with a slight breeze that everybody is THANKING J.C for! In Oregon, the whole state has shut down due to snow and very cold temperatures......In Alaska, school has been shut down for the last two days due freezing rain and glare ice.....This is Tank Girl your weather girl.... Over and Out-

Yesterday I attempted to go for a run on my bum ankle.  I basically looked like a geriatric running down the street with one hip cocked out, a bum leg lagging behind, limping hardcore.... but cars kept driving by and the neighbors might have been watching- so I just kept running (with a purpose), finally I got close enough to my house that I could walk-(cool down right? ) So...yeah, I started to think about how many people do the right thing because they just 'think' people are watching I paranoid???

My ears are ringing....I hate that....I think its stupid they say somebody is talking about you when that happens- if you have something to say- SAY my face.....
Last night LEGS and I were having what I thought was a 'romantic moment' in the kitchen while I was cooking dinner.  A really good song came on so we started slow dancing- I thought he was leaning into me to kiss me when in fact he was trying to get ice and water in his glass from the automatic ice machine on the fridge behind me......what a poop head....

I baked a pumpkin pie today from scratch for my first time.  I cannot believe how much of the stuff we eat has an incredible amount of sugar in it........I wonder if there is a substitute? That will be next on my list....finding a substitute for sugar- maybe I could invent one and make a lot of money- too bad I'm not much of a chemist.....Anyways I had to make a homemade crust using Ginger Snap cookies- but I needed a rolling pin and didn't have one.  So I put the cookies in a zip lock and rolled them with a cup-(tip from Sissy Megs) Man,  I was working up a sweat! Rolling cookies into crumbs is A LOT of work!

I also made Pumpkin Spice Muffins from scratch.  I originally thought they were cupcakes when I looked at the recipe- maybe I sub-consciously wanted cupcakes.  So I asked LEGS to try them- and was questioning weather or not I should put cream cheese frosting on them.  He said I should and then I can call them 'MUFFIN CAKES.' I think LEGS should be Bronzed and than put on a special platform.....he won't need much of a caption on his statue- "LEGS" will do- because that is ALL people will notice.....

So I just got done reading this book its called 'A Reliable Wife' by Robert Goolrick.  It was a book recommended by and sent to me by my sister Rachel and is also on the NY Times Best Seller List.  It was a very good book, however, it was a tad depressing and disturbing.  Although I will say that I stayed up half the night finishing it because I wanted to know the ending......Part of the book has to do with arsenic poisoning.  (Side note: it was the most disturbing part of the book to me) Last night after we ate dinner LEGS said that I have become a very good cook- so good in fact he wonders if I am poisoning him with arsenic.  OMG!!! I was horrified to the point of tears- LEGS- was like 'What is wrong!?!' So I had to tell him all about the book.......poor thing.....

My family is amazing. In the last three days I have received a super cool card from The Mommy, a CD and card from Grams and Pops, and a care package from my sister Rachel.  The care package had floating thanksgiving candles in it, and this glass turkey........I think its for candies or something.....I took it upstairs to my blog writing spot- because I didn't want to share it with anybody else- I don't even want anybody else looking at my Turkey- his name is 'Tiggles' LEGS named him.

I asked him how he came up with that name, he said he wanted to name it 'Tank' the turkey but couldn't because I am Tank Girl. Then he said 'Tex' the turkey but he doesn't like Texas (Oh dear if our hostess for Thanksgiving tomorrow knew this I am afraid we would be uninvited) So he said 'Tiggles' because it rhymes with giggles.  Is being out in the country affecting us???
Just another day in the life of an unlikely military wife......** 

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