My Life's Philosophy.......

OnE DaY......YoUr LiFe wiLL FlAsH bEfoRe yOuR eYeS......mAkE sUrE iT iS wOrTh wAtChInG........**

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A Day, A Week, A Month, A Year...IN THE LIFE of AN UNLIKELY.....MILITARY WIFE....** (A collection of snapshots, letters and memoirs DEDICATED to CHRISTOPHER ALLAN COUSSENS.)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Garfields Favorite**

With LEGS on night flights our eating schedule has been whack!!! So I have been making easy meals that he can eat for lunch, dinner or late at night when he gets home and he's hungry.  One thing that I make that he really likes is Garfield's favorite LASAGNA!!! I also like to use all the food we buy- especially on one salary in this economy so I used the extra sauce I made for spaghetti last week and used that for the Lasagna.

What you will need:

No Boil Noodles
Cottage Cheese
1 Egg
Italian Seasoning
Mozzarella Cheese

I preheat the oven to 325 degrees. I put sauce on the bottom of a 15x9 Baking Dish.  I put three noodles on the sauce- no touching.  Then I mix up the Cottage Cheese with 1 Egg and Italian Seasoning.  

I place a liberal quantity of that on the noodles.  I layer mozzarella cheese, Salami, more mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, sauce, 3 more noodles, cottage cheese- repeat. I repeat until I have 4 layers and I have used all my supplies. On the top of the lasagna I cover with noodles and then top with sauce and some cheese.........

I bake in the oven for 1/2 hour to 45 minutes uncovered.  Then the last 15 minutes I cover with foil.  Its not an exact science I just bake until its bubbling deliciousness.......


  1. I've never made lasagna before, but now you are making me want to make it!!


  2. Awww! You should its fun and easy to make- just make spaghetti sauce eat spaghetti then with the leftover sauce make the lasagna!!!**
